10 Things You Didn’t Know About Bullying by Keven Teixeira

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1. In the website “Kids Health” by Cyberbullying says that Bullying is being mean to another kid over and over again. Bullying can cause  teasing , make people lives miserable, and attacking or yelling at someone.

2. In the Film “Strain” by Lele Melo display how Bullying starts in middle school, elementary school and social media and which sometimes can cause children committed a suicide because its very hurtful. Childrens that are usually age from 10 to 14, usually get bullied more. Bullying can cause a lot tragedies which people can lose someone very important because of bullies.

3.The website Suicide Prevention Lifeline, suggest that  kids that are being bullied should contact this website to get help.  Losing your love ones is very depressed because they are very important to you, you don’t have to lose someone because of suicide. The website helps  kids who gets bullied everyday from committing  suicide. The Lifeline is committed to saving lives 24 hours every day.

4.According to the film “Stop Bullying” by DreamTv studios” show and tell us  About 30 percent of teens commit suicide every day because  of hard times in school or social media because they feel unacceptable to this world or they just feel too lonely making friends. Kids are dying everyday because they are being abused in school and that they feel confused because their parents never knows what’s going on in their lives.

5.On october 24, 2010 the Time Magazine John Cloud is suggests that  parents needs to  go against bullying. We need to join and become a society that cares about the cause of bullying.  However, we need to know that bullies who bully others regret that they made people lives full of sadness.

6.In the film “CyberBullying Virus” by Daniel Fraser demonstrates why bullies, bully others. Kids bully others because of a New Virus, a disease is causing kids who are bullying others to drop out school, gets into fights. They could have many problems with their parents or doing drugs. Sometimes they bully to get their anger out. Some bullies today regret that in past that they could go back in the past from  bullying kids because its heartbroken to see a human being depressed.

7.According to the website“Cyberbullying”  informs that kids that are target of  being bullied because of parents. Sometimes parents don’t know what’s happening to their kids in public. When your children says that they don’t want to go to schools is because they are having a problem in schools but parents never listens. Kids who are bullied have hard times standing up for themselves. They think that the bullies who bothers them are more powerful than them.

8.In the Website “Kids Health” informs how Kids who sees bullying happening next to them feels depressed or worried because they don’t know what to do. Sometimes they wanna help but they don’t want to get in any ones way because they don’t wanna get hurt for trying to be a hero. There are frightened that if they get in the situation that bully might bullying them  he/ she also.

9.According to a website  “ Kids Health”  informs children are accusing being cyberbullying. A cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass and target another person. Kids gets bullied by a lot of kids online , depends how many targets are being aimed to them.

10.According to the article “Kidshealth” families and parents lost lives every day in United states because of hard times they are having in their life time. Bullying has giving bullies a new platform and a weakness towards the victims that are being bullied. Kids today are bullying kids through technology. Its their new weapons. Kids use social medias to online name calling and make other kids unacceptable.

Works Cited

“National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.” Lifeline. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. <http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org>

“Cyberbullying.” KidsHealth – the Web’s Most Visited Site about Children’s Health. Ed. Michelle New. The Nemours Foundation, 01 Jan. 2012. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. <http://kidshealth.org/parent/positive/talk/cyberbullying.htm&gt;.

Cloud, John. “When Bullying Turns Deadly: Can It Be Stopped?”Time. Time Inc., 24 Oct. 2010. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

“Cyber Bullying Bully Rumor Teasing Lie Mean No.” Cyber Bullying, Bully, Rumor. N.p., 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.

“Bullying Pictures – Google Search.” Bullying Pictures – Google Search. N.p., 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. 0

Monona, In. “Watch out Bullies and Slow Drivers, You’re about to Get Fined.”CNNMoney. Cable News Network, 01 July 2013. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

“Voices Empowered * Cycle of Violence.” Voices Empowered * Cycle of Violence. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

“At Least I’m Not a Bully.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 30 Mar. 2010. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.



5 thoughts on “10 Things You Didn’t Know About Bullying by Keven Teixeira”

  1. Fact 5 is very interesting, it’s true that bullies need to regret about what they are doing with their victims lives.


  2. Wow. This is a serious problem in schools, and it seems like it’s a growing problem because of access to the internet. I thought fact # 8 was very interesting. Did you find information on what kids are supposed to do to help a victim of bullying? What is the advice that we should give witnesses of this hurtful behavior?


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