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11th Grade Writers of Boston International Newcomers Academy Section 5: Geraldo Diaz Nadia Monteiro Abdulfeta Aman Enrique Nova Jennifer Hernandez Jesus Jimenez Veronica Fonseca Elisbeth Rodriguez Eber Moreno Keila Gomes Edwin Matos Erika Cabrera Section 2: Maria Aristy Airton Depina Lina Guzman Marilia Spinola Skarlen Sabaris Evanilde Semedo Rossiany Barbosa Maria Rivera Agnelo Pires Daritza Suero Johenny del Jesus Cesar Depina Rafael Soto Jamal Mohamad Claudio Da Rosa Mariza Spinola Aissatou Barry Fedia Lafortune Marcos Soto Section 6: Elian Ventura Giselle Aristy Bryan Rodriguez Elisa Depina Edilson Gomes Moises De Jesus Keven Teixeira Gleny Minino Rosa Payano Eliseu Depina Cesar Lopez Ashly Torres Elianny Rodriguez Christopher Reynoso Vaenc Xhebiati Angel Troncoso

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Teen Dating Violence by Mariza Spinola

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Being in a relationship is a very important step, and teens never know when is the best age to start. Most of the time girls matured more faster than the boys. Girls start to worry about looking good and in how to impress their boy. But the study made by Amanda Lenhart show how teens being suffering abuse in relationship constantly, but almost never report it because they are scared.

  1. According to a article “The Data On Teen Dating”, from article Bps starting  relationship early can cause a teen to became less successful in school, its interrupting their ability to develop their skills. This study which took place in Canada reveals that this interest began in an age of puberty and gradually evolves into casual interest.

  1. According to the article “The Data On The Dating” from Bps Library article teens that suffer dating abuse are more likely to suffer a long time consequence such as becoming an alcoholic, disorders, thoughts of suicide, and violent behavior. The Canadian study also mention that this problem is happening more in our society, its aggravating.

  1. According to the article “The Dark Side Of Teen Dating” violence in a relationship is increasing everyday, those that abuse their partner its because they want to feel that they have power over their partner. On this article we will learn a story of a girl who suffered abuse in a relationship for several years and ended in a tragedy.

  1. “Abuse its not normal, it all depends on the victim to stop the abuse on the relationship. Its not okay to stay quiet and let people abuse you, your partner it’s not your owner. According to the article “Just a Normal Part of Growing Up?”, parents should help their kids that are been harassed, but taking in consideration that for the victims to get any type of help they have to tell their parents what is going on. The article also mention that violence is not part of growing up.

  1. Females between the age of 12 of 16 are three times more likely than the rest of the population to suffer abuse by their partner. The article “ Dating Violence” describes how most of the people that suffer abuse in a relationship get so scared that they stay on that unhealthy relationship until it gets to a point that the victim have no control over what is going on. They end up doing anything the partner (aggressor) ask them to do. Here the author explains how the the story of Lynn Ann and Garry end up in a big tragedy.

  1. Spending class time discussing about teens dating/violence is not a teacher’s job, its the parents job to educate their kids. It is necessary that at home parents sit down and talk with their kids about possible issue they might confront in a relationship. According to the article “School Teen Dating Violence Programs Are Unnecessary”, by Mac Donald, at school students should spend time learning grammar, not wasting time doing parents job.

  1. According to the article “Sexting Can Be a Serious Problem For Dating Teens” teens that parents have control over them, control their text, give their kids phones with limited text and calls, and the amount of the time spended in front of a computer. Amanda Lenhart also added to the article that the concerns about sexting is increasing every day, the percentage is going up.

  1. Breaking up with a partner is not easy, its hard and it takes time. Its hurts but that doesn’t mean you will die because of it, people should learn from it and do better on their next relationship. According to the article “The Do’s and Don’ts Of Breaking Up” by Anna, breaking up with your car insurance can be easier than with your partner, because for your car insurance you can just contract another professional, but with your partner you can’t do the same.

  1. Teens who suffered abused resist any type of treatment , seek help because they are afraid to expose themself. According to the article “The Data on Teen Dating”, by Ann Lukit, entering in a relationship to early can leave scars on teens  which will disturb them later on in a real relationship. There are many problems that it might cause.

  1. According to the article “7 Myths About Sexual Assault and Dating Violence” 77 percent of the teens that suffer a sexual abuse they go to a same school or live near each other. The article also revealed that nine of ten percent of the victims know their aggressor.

Legalization of Marijuana by Claudio Da Rosa


1- According to the documentary marijuana: it’s time for a conversation by Caroline Gay Welch,  who made everyone more clear about the facts of legalization of marijuana,  71% of washington residents think that marijuana should not be a crime. For example marijuana also help in disease, pains, and it doesn’t kill people like alcohol and cigarettes does so it should be legal for doctor use.

2-According to the documentary Marijuana: It’s Time for a Conversation by Caroline Gay Welch, before 2008  marijuana consequences for the people who used were really tough because they could ,Lose their job, lose their  house,lose the right of vote,lose their  college loans,lose the child and not be able to visit them.

3-”Encyclopedia Britannica” says that marijuana it’s a plant known by many names like  pot, tea, grass, and weed, and it does have some effects that it can cause like, alterations in vision, intoxication, anxiety, depression, extreme variability of mood, paranoid reactions, and psychoses lasting four to six hours. The physical effects of Marijuana is that  the eyes become red, dryness of the mouth, increase in the rapidity of the heartbeat, tightness of the chest if the drug is smoked.

4-According to the article “Governors Say Legalizing Marijuana is a Step Too Far”,written  by Aruna Viswanatha, from the website Reuters published on february 23, 2014, the first state in u.s that did the legalization of marijuana was colorado but only for the adults. Also washington d.c legalized the marijuana to be smoking but they doesn’t have a store where it can be sell legally. In pennsylvania, massachusetts, and connecticut allow marijuana use but only with prescription. Plantacja.jpg

5-According to the website if the government legalize marijuana they will be saving billion of the dollars because less people will be arrested and to arrest poeple cost money, and it’s less death than poeple who use ciggarets and alcohol,because as we know marijuana doesn’t kill people, it’s been years of years of marijuana use and never nobody had been found death by using it. Marijuana plant is the most valuable plant in the world, the other reason they should legalized it, is because it is not use for smoking only it is use to make products, cloths, and paper.

6- According to the article Mass. voters OK Decriminalization of Marijuana it says that the people under 18 should take an awareness class about use of marijuana, so the teenager can learn more about marijuana before use it,  by the influence and the effect, and what consequences are you facing.

7- In the article Mass. voters OK Decriminalization of Marijuana it also says that back in the days around 2008, if you got caught with less than 1 ounce you could get a fee of 100 dollar, but after 2008 smaller amounts of marijuana were decriminalized. And now after they discover that it can help in many things they should make it legalized.

8- In the article “Watch The ‘First Ever’ Marijuana Commercial To Air On Major Television  Stations” written by Ian Millhiser in the think progress websites they are trying to say why does people have to buy marijuana from a drug dealer, that you don’t know where he buying the marijuana to sell or how is he making it. so if they legalized it and start making it in the factory everybody will be smoking without any doubt if it’s clean or not, because it will be passing by a clean process so this to happen they have to legalized it.

9- In the documentary “Marijuana: It’s Time for a Conversation” by Caroline Gay Welch, they talked about the percentage of people who want marijuana to be left up to the state ,not the federal government ,and they found out that, About 73% of washington residents think that marijuana possession laws should be left up to state.

10-According to the article “Watch The ‘First Ever’ Marijuana Commercial To Air On Major Television Stations” from the website think progress written by Ian Millhiser, in the states that the marijuana use are legal, but you only can get it for certain form and certain people can get it,for example in new jersey, if your child need to drink it to prevent seizures, you can’t find it because they doesn’t sell as a drink only to eat and she’s a child they won’t be selling to her/him, and sometimes you will need to move for a state that it is legal, for any kind of people, and any certain form so you can buy it.

works cited

“marijuana.” Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 25 Feb. 2014. <>.

“Marijuana: It’s Time for a Conversation.” Top Documentary Films RSS. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

Viswanatha, Aruna. “Governors Say Legalizing Marijuana Is a Step Too Far.” Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 23 Feb. 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Readers Respond: Should Marijuana Sale and Possession Be Legalized?” US Liberal Politics. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. <>.

November 4, 2008 09:34 The New York Times. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Watch The ‘First Ever’ Marijuana Commercial To Air On Major Television Stations.”ThinkProgress RSS. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. <>.

Marijuana Growing in Islamabad. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. <>.

Marijuana. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. <>.

Marijuana. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. <>.

Marijuana. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. <>.

11 Things You Didn’t Know About Ocean Life by Cesar Depina


By: Cesar Depina

1-Earth is the only planet in the solar system that has liquid water. The ocean stretches the globe. It covers almost three quarters of the planet. There are four different oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and the Arctic. All of these oceans are connected to each other in some way.

2-A video on TED, by David GAllo, demonstrated us that many different kinds of fish and mammals make their homes in these oceans, and each one of them have their own special ability. For example, octopus can match his body (color, pattern, brightness, and texture of the algae), to anything in ocean, in order to hide itself from danger. Also if a starfish cut his legs out it will grow back again and what is interesting about it is that the lost leg will generate a new starfish.

3-According to “Animal Communication”, published in 2008 by Science Weekly, it tells us that all fishes talk and hear but somewhat differently than humans. They do have ears but they aren’t as easily apparent as humans because there is not an outer ear structure. They all communicate to one another as well as we human do, but they all also have their own form to communicate. Like, some fish use body language, and there’s others that use pheromones that they release.

4-Science Weekly also said that the whales are the only animal that can produce sound as far as he knows. They communicate by using whale sounds, to teach other, learn from each other, collaborate, and they even help human and ships in distress to safety.

5-Philip Sauvain, who wrote Oceans, explain that, humans find oceans to be very interesting, beautiful, and very useful place, in their life. Ocean is where humans bring out salt, pure water, food, generate electricity, transportation, and it’s even used for  waste disposal. Ocean is always moving bringing cold or hot water from one country to another.

6-Philip Sauvain also said people who study earth are called geologists. According to him, a long time ago some places use to be all together in globe, but passing time, some islands and countries formed when the continents slowly moved apart leaving the ocean basins in between. When all those continents used to be altogether there name was Pangaea. In order for me to prove this, is by showing you that if you draw it like puzzle, you can see that south America and Africa join together.

7-Base on his finding on the book Ocean, he talks about two scary things that happens in the ocean: first a  big storm that happens in there. Many things will get destroyed, people may be killed by that. The other thing is the sea water looking red, which is caused by phenomenon which contains a poison that kill fishes and can also kill you if you eat it.

8-He also explains that the solids in water make it easier for swimmers and boats to float. There is 50 quadrillion tons of salt on sea water. The density of salt water is greater than the density of an object. Things float in the water depending on their density. For example, if the density of a wood is greater than the sea water, it will go down, but if its density is the same it will hang in the middle.

9-As we know Ocean is a place that is always moving around, and of course changing the sea level of water, sometimes its a disgrace for some parts in earth. For example, in the news report “Rising Sea Levels Could Hit Miami” hard by CNN, It shows us that sometimes when the sea rises many streets gets covered with water.

10-Sam Blank, who made a video, The Effects of water Pollution On Marine Life,  also explains that sea water rises because of ice melting and also because of global warming. As the planet heats up, then two things happen to the ocean, one is the temperature of water increases and as that happens the water actually expands and takes up more rooms. The other thing that happens is the ice that was in the land, melts and runs into the ocean, and rises the sea water. imagesWFDBNWQ4 - Copy.jpg

11-According to him, he shows us that humans are also destroying the ocean with pollution. Everytime you throw one little trash in the ocean it starts accumulating until it gets bigger. Many animals died because sometimes they eat those trash as a food. Many trashes travels from one country to another by floating in the water. Humans are not focusing on what these trashes doing to our ocean and also to our self.

works cited

“Animal communication.” Science Weekly 4 Jan. 2008: A1+. Science in Context. Web. 26 Feb. 2014.; Ocean Wonders. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.

“ocean.” Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

Sauvain, Philip Arthur. Oceans. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda, 1996. Print.

“ocean.” Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>.

School of Fish. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Five Pictures about Ocean – Google Search.” Five Pictures about Ocean – Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2014.

“Five Pictures about Ocean – Google Search.” Five Pictures about Ocean – Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2014.>.

“Five Pictures about Ocean – Google Search.” Five Pictures about Ocean – Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2014. “Five Pictures about Ocean – Google Search.” Five Pictures about Ocean – Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2014.

10 Things You Didin’t Know About Muhammad Ali by Fedia Lafortune

By Fedia Lafortune

On January 17,1942, the author F.M.Milverstedt wrote a book called “In This Corner: Muhammad Ali”, he talked about Muhammad Ali’s early life.  Muhammad were born as Cassius Clay in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. Ali started boxing when he was 12 years old, he was winning amateur fights in gyms and clubs around Louisville, Kentucky, the town where he grew up.

Thomas Hauter, an American author who wrote a biography of Ali “Muhammad Ali: His Life In Times” tells that after Muhammad Ali have been advanced in boxing he was ready to participate in the Olympics Games in Rome. And he won a gold medal in the 175-pounds division in 1960 and began a professional career since then. After starting getting more and more professional in boxing, Clay challenged Sonny Liston for the heavyweight Championship of the World. Everyone was saying that Liston is the most powerful fighter of   his era.

According to Thomas Hauter, he said that the boxer competing Ali was named Liston and he was 8 years older than him. Everybody was saying that Ali will never knockout Liston because he is older and his chest is bigger than Ali’s. Ali insult Liston  by saying that Liston is nothing but a ugly old bear. Actually Ali showed them fallos they were wrong, and he knockout after six rounds on February 25, 1964, he called himself the “I’m the Greatest of all time” since then. On March 6, 1964 announced the nation that he is no longer Cassius Clay Jr. but Muhammad Ali because now he is muslim.

According to Richard Durham in the article “Muhammad Ali and The Draft”, he explains that the draft was a law in the 1960s in America that was forcing teens who were 18 years old to participate in Vietnam war. The vietnam war with the American started in 1964 and it ended in 1975. Many Athletes expressed their support toward the war, but Muhammad Ali refused to be part of the war.

On April 28, 1967, Ali was ask to participate in the Vietnam war, however he refused  because of religious beliefs. Furthermore his refusal cost him a lot, because he did not want be part of the U.S army force. He was take away from his championship title and the government did not allow him to box. They also seized his passport so he won’t leave the country because they said Ali was breaking the law and he was sentenced years of prison.

In the biography of “Muhammad Ali: His Life In Times” writing by Thomas Hauter explains how Ali stood up for himself by saying that he have nothing to do the Vietcong and he also said that if someone don’t have a good reason for killing it consider like a wrong action toward human life.

In 1971 the court declared that he was not guilty and was put out in jail. After all those years going through conflict with the government in the draft law, Ali lost a lot of his ability of boxing, but he still tried to gained his title as a champion by knocking out George foreman with a eighth-rounds on Oct. 30, 1974, in Kinshasa.

In the history of boxing Ali is the champion of all time, no one in his time was never that courageous and ready to fight for what he believe in. Ali sacrificed almost  his career for his religion. Ali shown the nation that he did not choice boxing to be famous or to have money, he shown it not than that, boxing is a way to shown the nation what he like and also a way to stand up for his people.Muhammad Ali néven[szerkesztés

In the book “In The Corner: Muhammad Ali” by F.M.Milverstedt talked about Ali’s victories and losses. Ali won 56 times, lost 5 games with 37 knockout. Ali fought with Sonny Liston,Floyd Patterson in Europe, Ali defeating George Foreman in Kinshasa

In 1979 Ali announced his retirement, Ali had brain damage caused by blow to the head, slow movement, and other symptoms of parkinson syndromes, Ali married his fourth wife Yolanda Williams and had nine children.  In the mid-1970s, he began to study the Qurʾan seriously and turned to Orthodox Islam and got more involved in his religion.

Works Cited

“Film Shows Ali’s Battles Outside The Ring.” NPR. NPR. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>

“Muhammad Ali and the Draft.” American Decades Primary Sources. Ed. Cynthia Rose. Vol. 7: 1960-1969. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 644-649. Biography in Context. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

Milverstedt, F. M., Sonia Katchian, and Heinz Kluetmeier. In This Corner, Muhammad Ali. Milwaukee: Raintree Editions, 1976.

“Muhammad Ali.” Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Muhammad Ali.” – Wikipédia. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. <>.

Muhammad Ali. Digital image. Http:// N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

Muhammad. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <;.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Abortion by Johenny Del Jesus

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1 According to the Guttmacher Institute’s fact sheet titled “Induced Abortion in the United States,” 21% of pregnant women end up getting an abortion.

2 According to Abortion Abuse Advice & Information Service in Houston, Texas, most of the women who have abortions have the risks of some medical complication or even death.

3 According to the article Abortion Abuse Advice & Information in Houston, Texas, legal abortions is reported as the Fifth bading cause of maternal death in the United States, however it is recognize that most abortion related deaths are not officially reported.

4 According to the resource “The Bible’s Teaching Against Abortion” people discuss how the word abortion is not in the bible and it is wrong toward God’s eyes. This explain That God hasn’t only made us, but he love us and that is not right to avoid a human being to come to earth, because he had died for us.

5) In accordance with Abortion Abuse Advice & Information, half of the 21% of woman that already had an abortion for their first time will have the greatest risks of getting breast cancer or a liver cancer . The chance of getting breast/liver cancer can multiple after 2 or more abortions. When a woman keep having abortions this are the consequences that they can have.+

6) As the article “Induced Abortion in the US” explain, Women with the age of 20, 1 in 10 of them will end up getting an abortion. By the age of 30, 1 in 4 will end up getting an abortion and by the age of 45, 3 in 10 will also end up getting an abortion. As we see this mean that the older you are the faster abortion increases.

7) According to the information in the article “Induced Abortion in the US”, In 2011, 1.6 millions were performed, and down 13% from 1.21 millions in 2008, also there is a percentage of 1.7% of women of the age 15-44 who had an abortion. In addition in 1973 to 2011, 53 millions legal abortions occurred.

8) As the Magazine title The Cap Times explain how Women who find themselves in situation where they have a baby in their belly and family and even their partner are against them, therefore they get frustrated.They are scared of how people will look at them after they abort or if at the end they are really hurting somebody.

9) According to the Magazine title The Cap Times, Women get depressed. For the fact that babies may even born with diseases that will not let them alive for so long, the reason for this is when women have so many abortions for them to have a normal birth can affect them and their child a lot.  therefore women doesn’t have any other option than abort.

10) According to the article “Induced Abortion in the United States”, this website gives us information about the rating on abortions. For instead, “51% of women who had abortions have used a
contraceptive method in the month they got pregnant, most commonly condoms (27%) or a hormonal method (17%).” As we see most of the percent of women are in birth control and they still get pregnant.

Work Cited

Abortion Risks | Abortion Complications | Abortion Dangers | Abortion Side Effects | Houston, Texas.” Abortion Risks | Abortion Complications | Abortion Dangers | Abortion Side Effects | Houston, Texas. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Induced Abortion in the United States.” Induced Abortion in the United States. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. <>.

“NY Magazine Article Gives Voice to 26 Women Who Had an Abortion, including One from Wisconsin.” 20 Nov. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“The Bible’s Teaching Against Abortion.” Abortion. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

Http:// Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.

Http:// Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.


10 Things You Didn’t Know About Cape Verde by Rossiany Barbosa


1. According to the article, “Cape Verde Asks World to Call it Cabo Verde” written by Akilah Johnson, Cabo Verde shouldn’t be translated. People went to the Assembly and call out for this issues. Cabo Verde (Cabo verdianos) don’t want their country to be called Cape Verde because if we never see people translating “Puerto Rico” to  rich port. The Cape Verdean wanted made a request to change the official name to Cabo Verde in all official languages of World.

2.“ Encyclopedia Britannica” says that Portuguese is the official language and is used in formal situations. Crioulo  is one of the oldest of the Portuguese creole language. Also Portugal and Spain are the  country’s most important trade partners and they are market to another country.


3. “ Flag of Cape Verde” in Encyclopedia Britannica explains on July 5, 1975 is the first National Flag of Cape Verde, the ten stars represent the ten island of Cape Verde in Atlantic Ocean. The red ,blue and white link to Portugal also Portugal is the one command in Cape Verde before Amilcar Cabral was fighting to take the command from Portugal. The Central Atlantic Ocean is an archipelago of 10 Volcanic in the island.

4. “Encyclopedia Britannica ,inform that  President  of  Republic of Cape Verde Pedro Verona Rodrigues Pires” he is the only that command to help the poor people with money also food the president helps the most is old people that can’t work. He was the first president in Cape Verde. He was born in April 29, 1934 in the country of Sao Filipe island of Fogo.

5.  According to the article “ Patricia Vieira” in Teen Voices that Patricia was born in Cape Verde on the island of Praia. Her mother and grandmother was left her when she was three years old. Patricia came to United States early so she can finish high school  and to go college. In Cape Verde you have to leave  the country to go college because the economic problems. She found everything in United States is different from Cape Verde.

6. According to the article,” Trading Economics”  The Cape Verdean Unemployment increased to 17 percent in 2012 but is decreased to 11 percent in 2011. In 1990 until 2012 the Cape Verde Unemployment Rate averaged was 13 percent. The unemployment of Cape Verde is not better than the unemployment in United States because in Cape Verde some people may have jobs but they don’t pay a lot like in United States.


7.” Evora Cesaria” in New Encyclopedia of Africa tell that Evora Cesaria was born on August 27, in Mindelo of Cape Verde,  Evora Cesaria died on December 12, 2011 in Cape Verde. Her signature is genres are Morna and Coladera. Her status as a superstar in the world music universe  when she was a teenager performing in Mindelo’s bars and clubs.

8. “Cape Verde Climate” in Encyclopedia Britannica tell that Cape Verde has strong temperatures in with high dry. Cape Verde always has a good temperature no cold like United States but February has a little bit cold, with temperatures in the low 70s , August and September are the hottest and wettest months, with temperatures in the low 80s.

9. “Health and Welfare” in Encyclopedia Britannica says that the major health problems include diarrhea and respiratory infection caused by poor hygiene. Cape Verde has a relatively low prevalence of HIV and AIDS.

10. “Settlement Patterns” in Encyclopedia Britannica tell that the proportion of Cape Verdeans living in rural areas the majority of the population was urban and concentrated particularly in the centres of Praia and Mindelo, some rural living in a small villages and individual households. Some people don’t have house but they go to another place to find better place to live.

Works Cited

Beach of Cape Verde. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

“Cape Verde.” Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 26 Feb. 2014 <>.

Cape Verde Map. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

Cape Verde Flag. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

“Cape Verde Unemployment Rate.” TRADING ECONOMICS. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. <>

Cesaria Evora 2008. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

“Évora, Cesária (1941–).” New Encyclopedia of Africa. Ed. John Middleton and Joseph C. Miller. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2008. 348. World History in Context. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

“Metro.” Web. 19 Mar. 2014.


Vieira, Patricia. “My Story.” Teen Voices vol. 9, no. 3, 2001: 26-27. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. <;.

President Verona. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.



10 Things You Didin’t Know About Bullying by Jamal Mohamed

by: Jamal Mohamed

1. Bullying is when a person or group who tries to harm someone who is weaker or who they think is weaker. Sometimes it involves direct attacks such as hitting, name calling, and taunting. Sometimes it is indirect, such as spreading rumors or trying to make others hate someone. According to bullying statistics, 1 out of every 10 students who drops out of school does so because of repeated bullying.

2. According to film, There’s No 3G In Heaven, published by Hogan Sherrow, explain when you get bullied you will commit suicide even though u feel like no one is helping you. For example, started late on a Saturday night in September, a 14-year old boy named Jamey Rodemeyer, who had been the target of bullying from fellow students at Williamsville North High School in Buffalo New York, took his life. Hours before he killed himself, Jamey left the last of his numerous messages online talking about the pain he had been dealing with for a long time.

3. The big problems about bullying is that when the kids are been bullied they don’t tell the parents, teacher, or anyone else before it’s too late. If kids tell the parents that they are been bullied in school or other place, I’m definitely sure the parents will do something about before it happen. Most US teenager committed suicide because they were been bullied in school, street, parks, movie theatres, and many other. If we don’t stop this bullying it will commit a lot of suicide especially in the US. The American Psychological Association reports that a 2001 study of 15,000 U.S. students in grades 6 through 10 found that 17% had been bullied during the school year.

4. Liz Jackson and Mary Ann Jolley, the authors of the documentary,There’s No 3G In Heaven, published by Liz Jackson and Mary Ann Jolley explained how a 15 years old girl commited suicide and not telling her parent what was going on in her life because every time she come home she is sad and nervous, and when her mother tries to find out what the problem seems to be she will be like nothing is wrong with me. she finally wrote a notes in her phone that say, life became hard for her, no one cares about her, I’m tired of every student bullying her in school, and it feels like I was not meant to be in this life. Then she killed herself.

5. Even though bullying became so popular in this generation there’s a way to stop this bullying. Teenagers nowadays think bullying is really fun to do, but isn’t fun, it causes a big problem, a big problem that you don’t see, all you see is making fun. According to the article, “Bullying, Teasing and High Dropout Rates,” written by Ellen Daniels how kid are teased in school, after they drop out from high school. Some may commit suicide, which is bad.

6. Most victims do not ask for help when they are bullied, out of fear and shame. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, many teachers underestimate the extent of bullying going on in their classrooms for this reason.

7.Bullying is never ok. Those who bully use power to hurt people. Power does not always mean bigger or stronger. Power can also mean popular or smart. Or, the kid doing the bullying may know a secret about the kid being bullied. Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.,research director, says the Institute plays a vital role in linking research with community awareness of bullying.

8.Bullies are smart. They know where teachers and other adults are most of the time. As a result, bullying frequently happens when adults aren’t around to witness it. For instance, bullying often takes place on the playground, in the bathroom, on the bus, in a busy hallway and in the locker room. According to A New York bus monitor who was relentlessly bullied by four middle school students has received more than $700,000 raised by a Canadian man.

9. Always listen to what your child says is happening and talk to them about it. Ask questions about what the problem is and let them know you are there to help. Make a plan with your child’s teachers or school administrators for dealing with the problem. According to Is it time to stop ‘Bullying’? by Tim Kingsbury, To give just one clue of scale, at a recent conference Gill Dix of ACAS said that the ACAS Helpline receives 74,000 calls annually about bullying and harassment.

10.Cyber bullying is defined as a young person tormenting, threatening, harassing, or embarrassing another young person using the Internet or other technologies, like cell phones. Over 80% of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most common medium for cyber bullying.


Works Cited

“Victims of Bullies Share Common Traits.” Victims of Bullies Share Common Traits. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. < A recen>.

“School of Education Magazine.”Curry School of Education. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

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Cook, John. “Facts: What Are the Effects of Kids Being Bullied?”EHow. Demand Media, 03 May 2011. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“How Is Bullying an Abuse of Power?” WikiAnswers. Answers Corporation. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“There’s No 3G In Heaven.” Top Documentary Films RSS. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Find Books, Music, Movies, and More.” Search. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.


10 Things You Didn’t know About Violence Against Women In the Arab Region by Jennifer Hernandez


By Jennifer Hernandez

In the world many women are suffering of any way of violence. Can be emotional or physical and most of the villain in their story is the men. In the different parts of the world the value of the women is different and the violence too. Being a Women in the U.S is easier than In the Arab Starting with a comparison between laws in U.S to protect women’s integrity :

Taliban_beating_woman_in_public_RAWA (1).jpg1. The Violence Against Women Act was made in 1994  to recognize the women’s rights in the United States and the value that they have in the society. In this act we can see the diverses laws made for the protection of women that enforce the punishment of those who hurt a woman in any kind, involving criminal justice and creating positive changes. shows percentage of domestic violence’s drop, partner violence drop, partner homicide females drop and more victims are reporting abuse and many other that decrease the rate of percent.

2. According to Poll: Women’s Right in the Arab World by Thomson Reuters Foundation ‘s website  posted in Nov. 12, 2013 talks about the worst state for a woman to live is Egypt. Not having any kind of right, with discriminatory laws and women trafficking in the whole Arab region but more in egypt. where the religion and government is the main cause of violence to the women. Staying quit when a men speak, obeying like a slave been the wife, mother, grandma, aunt, friend, the life of the family, the women and the stronger gender for many reasons.

3. Being touch by an stranger in the bus in public has being so common in Egypt as seeing a person with an Iphone in the U.S. According to The Guardian’s “Sexual violence in Egypt: The Target is a Woman” post in July 8,2013, author Nabila Ramdani talk about an outbreak of sexual harassment, women taking the dressing up like a boy as an option to avoid the abuse, not even having no right to scream for help because instead of receiving help there would be a worst risk to be raped.

4. Is the violence that we see in Arab Regions cause more by the religion ? According to Misconception about islam by the iisna pamphlets, It says this religion give rights, values and spiritual help to women but as the time pass the injustice keeps growing. The women had lose all their integrity and the courage to raise their voice because is scary to get kill just as easy to fall down.

5. According to “Women’s Rights in the Arab World” by Tim Large women in Saudi Arabia need to have permit of their husband to go outside of their house, and there is a high level of adultery and rapes in that state causing the United Nation to focus in that problem in Arabia, meaning that if you need to pee you need to ask to your husband that you need to go to the bathroom.

Campaign_road_sign_against_female_genital_mutilation_(cropped).jpg6. The  feminism in the girls that went away for most of the women in Egypt and Cairo would never come back. Epidemiology of Females Castration in Cairo, Egypt by Mohamed Badawi talks about the mutilation of the females private part since they are children, Most of the people who practice this atrocity are Muslim also known as a pre-fertility ritual “torture” practice says Mohamed.

7. In a shocking video the reporter Lara Logan, a reporter from CBS news, Experience a heavy scary moment when she was covering a exclusive in Egypt. She suffer sexual assault by the muslim males that were in the protest. They attack her because she wasn’t Muslim. No right to defend herself, her body wasn’t hers.

8. Early marriage in the Arab region still present today and is a violation to the right of the women to decide what she wants . Washing kids getting married at the age of 12 and forward, In the video End Violence Against women Arab Region it represent the life of those little girls that are expose to an early marriage, taking their innocence way and start to be a women been a kind.Say_no_to_dowry.jpg

9. Egypt been the worse region for a women to live. It has a 90% percent of women being sexual harassment in public. In the video Egypt put yourself in her shoes instead of finding ways to blame, this video represent the life of many women in egypt where we can see that just by stepping to the street see men arounds it touching and calling unrespected names.

10. In the documentary Violence against Women in Pakistan talks talks about the discrimination of the women. How the Human Right determine that pakistan has a 70-90% of women suffering domestic violence. The domestic violence is so violent that for them is worst that than dying, some of them get burned by acid, most of the abused are unreported

Work Cited

UN News Center. UN. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. <>.

Factsheet: The Violence Against Women Act. The White House, n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.pdf.

“POLL: Women’s Rights in the Arab World.” POLL: Women’s Rights in the Arab World. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Template.” Template. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“IISNA IPamphlets.” Islamic Pamphlets IISNA IPamphlets Comments. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

 “Egypt PSA: Put Yourself in Her Shoes, Instead of Finding Ways to Blame Her.” YouTube. YouTube, 09 Dec. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Documentary Violence against Women in Pakistan.” YouTube. YouTube, 18 Aug. 2012. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Dark Flowers: The Story of Self-immolation in Afghanistan.”YouTube. YouTube, 03 Oct. 2011. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About STDs by Jesus Jimenez

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), diseases like HIV, Gonorrhea, HPV, Chlamydia can be transmitted by having sex or any sexual contact. They may also be transmitted from a mother to her child before or at birth. Sexual transmitted diseases usually affect many organs like the genitals, the reproductive tract, the urinary tract, the oral cavity, the anus, or the rectum. The big key to prevent these dangerous diseases is by using condom, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica .

According to the article The Health Site Published by Pavitra Sampath in November 29/2013, HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system and your immune system protects you from germs that cause infections and make you sick. This disease is the most known disease in the word and is one of the most dangerous diseases. And when when you are infected by HIV many times, the disease becomes stronger and more difficult for the treatment of the infection. If you thought that HIV is transmitted only by sexual contact, you are wrong. HIV is also transmitted by sharing with people that have the disease, and by infected blood or having contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person (semen, milk or fluids from the vagina). This is important to remember that the person can get infected when the fluid enters to the body of the other person through either an open sore in the mouth or the anus or through the vagina.

According to WebMD and Center for Diseases Control And Prevention Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can infect both men and women. It can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. You can get gonorrhea by having anal, vaginal, or oral sex with someone who has gonorrhea. Gonorrhea can be cured with the right treatment.

According to the  Center for Diseases Control And Prevention Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that infect humans causing warts, tumours and cancers the genital tract and of the uterine cervix in women. You can get HPV by having oral, vaginal, or anal sex with someone that is infected. It is most common to be infected during vaginal or anal sex. HPV can be transmitted when an infected person have no signs or symptoms. There is no cure for this disease.

Chlamydia is a STD bacterial infection that can be passed on during having sex vaginal, anal, or oral. This disease can do permanent damage to our body and it can leave women unable to have children later in life. And the good news of this disease is that it can be treated and cured with antibiotics.This disease is the most commonly reported STD in the U.S. According to the Center for Diseases Control And Prevention.

According to the What you need to know about Hepatitis C this disease is a disease  that damages the liver. A person with  hepatitis C can affect  their health and HIV treatment decisions. This disease is relate with HIV because the people affected by HIV can get this disease faster and can become very affected by a potent HIV.

According to the article Planned parenthood Syphilis is a diseases like the other STD that can be transmitted by having sex with a person that is infected with the virus. Symptoms of syphilis are chancre, painless genital sore that are more in common on the penis or in and around the vagina. Alson with this disease people can get more easily HIV infection. This disease can make damage in the skin and in other organs like, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and become a secondary syphilis. It’s important to use condom and controlling having sex with different partner to prevent this dangerous disease.

Another disease is Bacterial vaginosis is a possibly Sexsually Transmitted Disease, that is a vaginal infection  in women of reproductive ages. This disease affect the skin, mouth and some organs of the body. Bacterial Vaginosis doesn’t have symptoms sometimes in women. You can get this disease by having sex with  multiple sexual partners. According to the  Center for Diseases Control And Prevention.

According to the  Center for Diseases Control And Prevention Trichomoniasis is another STD and this disease can be transmitted mostly of the time to the women and usually to man. Diseases like this one don’t always cause symptoms, they can cause frequent, painful, or burning urination in men and women. Also with this disease the  premature birth and babies can come with low weight, because of the disease that affect the sex organs of the woman

According to the Center for Diseases Control And PreventionAnother disease is Genital Herpes that is a very contagious disease. You can get herpes by having oral, vaginal, or anal sex with someone that has this disease. This disease can causes many damage to your body and to your sexual organs. Also if a woman is pregnant and is infected the disease can pass from the mother to the child. A Lot of people do not know that they have this disease because sometimes this disease does not have symptoms, but sometimes the disease affect the skin or ingrown hair.

Works Cited

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 30 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. <;.

“11 Things about HIV/AIDS You Didn’t Know.” Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Britannica School.” Britannica School. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Gonorrhea Causes, Diagnosis, and Symptoms in Men and Women.” WebMD. WebMD, 03 Jan. 0000. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <;.

“About Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).” KidsHealth – the Web’s Most Visited Site about Children’s Health. Ed. Larissa Hirsch. The Nemours Foundation, 01 Jan. 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. <;.

“It’s Your Sex Life.” Check Up: Chlamydia (Text-Only Version). Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Top 5 Things You Didn’t Know About HPV.” Cancer. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <;.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Revolutionary Che Guevara! by Geraldo Diaz

1- According to TRUE STORY  “Che Guevara Biography” Ernesto Che Guevara was born in Argentina on June 14, 1928 and died on October 9, 1967 in La Higuera Bolivia. During his lifetime he became one of the most well known revolutionaries of the 20th century.

2- In “5 Things you Didn’t Know: Che Guevara” it says, as a military leader Che Guevara ordered thousands of executions for the revolution and is why he was one of the most feared man during the Cuban Revolution of the 1950’s.

3- According to  “Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Guevara” the Feared Che Guevara as a kid and teenager was actually most resembling a geek. He loved to play chess and even read poetry.

4- While Ernesto Che Guevara fought for Cuba most of his life, in “Che Guevara” it stated that he was originally from Argentina and later on met and joined Fidel Castro to help fight the Batista army for Cuban liberation.

5- In the article “Top 10 Things you didn’t Know About Che Guevara” it says Che Guevara went to medical school and after finishing all of his studies graduated as a doctor in 1953.

6-When Che Guevara died the new’s spread but Fidel Castro did not believe them, so as proof the Bolivian army and the CIA decided to send him Che’s hands as prof of his death as stated and shown in BBC “CIA man recounts Che Guevara’s death”.

7- According to TRUE STORY  “Che Guevara Biography” While trying to spread the marxist movement through Bolivia, Che Guevara was caught in the Jungles of Bolivia with half his body weight and a small bucket containing 9 boiled eggs as his meal for the next few weeks.

8- In the website “Che Guavara”, Che Guevara’s dead body after his assassination in Bolivia, in order to bring it to the army base they needed to go by helicopter but instead of putting his body in a helicopter they placed and tied his body to the shafts of the helicopter.

9 –  In the website “5 Things you didn’t Know: Che Guevara” says Che Guevara is adorn as a God and his image is in the 3$ cuban peso. also In Cuba children start their morning by saying “I will be like Che”.

10- One of America’s and the worlds most iconic and famous photos known all over the world is of none other than Che Guevara taken by photographer Alberto Korda. Ironically Che Guevara Hated and fought America yet his franchise is favored in America just like it is stated in “Top 10 Things You didn’t Know About Che Guevara”.

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“5 Things You Didn’t Know: Che Guevara.”AskMen. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“5 Things You Didn’t Know: Che Guevara.”AskMen. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Biography of Ernesto “Che” Guevara.” Latin American History. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Che Guevara Biography.” A&E Networks Television. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. <>.

Grant, Will. BBC News. BBC, 10 Aug. 2007. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. <>.

“The New Republic.” New Republic. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Che Guevara.” Listverse. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.


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