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Thirteen Things You Didn’t Know About Being a Young Mother by Elianny Rodriguez

Reported by Elianny Rodríguez

April 2, 2014

1- A woman is consider young mother while being pregnant and having a baby between the ages of 13 and 19, with an early introduction to the adulthood life. “Kids Having Kids” chapter one book inform, how youths between those ages become mothers based on the poverty, low parental education, or growing up with a single parent. Every year in the U.S the percentage of single youths parents increase and decrease, but it still consider a high percent of babies having babies.

2- Based on chapter one of Rebecca A. Maynard’s book, Kids Having Kids, about 1 million of teenegers in the U.S, close to 10 percent of the youths population, become pregnant at a very young ages, such as the age of 15 and 19 which is a rate two times higher as any other advanced country.

3-According to American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, in the website “Stresses Due to Pregnancy in Adolescent and the Cycle of Depression and stress in Young Family,”  young mothers tend to have postpartum depression and to abuse their newborn child. This problem develop with a negative impact on children’s emotions and behavior. Investigators have reported that the interaction between those factors such as mother’s stress, depression and child abuse is what brings insensitivity, depression, and insecurity to a child’s adolescence. Children being affected for their young mothers depression or stress when they became teenegers because of the demands of  love and affection in their young life. While a mother have postpartum depression they tend to reject  and neglect their child which is a lead to a cycle if they became inexpert young parents.

4-Furthermore, adolescence is the time of transition between childhood and adulthood. While being a young mother most of this time period has to be sacrifice because of the changes entering to a unknowable life. According to the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress adolescent pregnancy is considered as complex problem that affect most of the teen population, and their family system.

5- Based on the  website article written by American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress  during adolescence, individuals are developing their abstract  thinking skills that provided them the capability to manage differents complex situation, one of them is the sensitivity to their infants.Parenthood is the main source of stress while being a young mother because of  the inexperienced and responsibilities  young mothers has to take. Also having to consider in changing the inexpert immature life to a new adult experience.

6- American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress indicates the importance of parent response to their infants. The style of babies attachments to their caretakers determine if the child will be comfortable seeking comfort, secure to explore and communicate with others. If the child do not develop any attachment to the caretaker it means the child will develop social communications problems, detached with their environment and neglections to their own mothers.

7- When Children Having Children website article by the American Academy of Child and Adolescents Psychiatric had explain that babies born from young mothers are risk to develop long term problems. They probably would develop them different major of their life such as, school failure, poverty and physical or mental illness.

 8- Additionally, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric express their concerns of the lowest percentage of support teen mother receive, however they encourage parents to prevent teen pregnancy through open communications with their adolescents child, providing guidance about sexuality, contraception, sexual relationship, and responsibilities due to pregnancy.

9- American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric had report, Babies born from young mothers tend to be abused and neglect from their own children because of the inexperienced they have while taking care of the youngest one. Teenage also tend to demonstrated their frustration through their childrens while being playing a role in a young adulthood life, and the constant child  attention. Adolescent should be required to special programs and better understanding of what being a young mother will require, also offer medical assistance, better education, understanding of substances abused, child behavior training. .

10-  According to American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric, if pregnancy occurs, families and teenegers deserve honest and sensitive counseling about options available for them, such as abortion and adoption. Teen mothers should have special support system including consultation  with child and adolescent psychiatric when is need. It is necessary to have support through pregnancy to consider decisions and options during this type of situations.

11-  Dropping off school is one of the main problems while being a teen mothers because they drop up school to have their babies and never return back. In this way, pregnant and young mothers lose opportunities to learn skills necessary for employment and self-survival as adult, The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric has researches.

12- According to the website written by Arne Duncan, U. S. Secretary of Education in 2011 had inform that in 2002 only 10% of teen mothers graduated high school on time, but in differences that 67% of them never graduated. However those young mothers students who received support from school based services tend to remain in school more than those who received no support.

13- At last, a rechear  done by Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education in 2011, a supportive environment serve as inducements to teenage mom. In others studies done by researchers in the 1980s and 1990s identifies the importance of school programs focused on helping with the carrin of a child; these programs often means to drop out or continuing school.
Citation Page

“Stresses Due to Pregnancy in Adolescent and the Cycle of Depression and Stress in the Young Family.” Stresses Due to Pregnancy in Adolescent and the Cycle of Depression and Stress in the Young Family. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Teenage Parents and Their Educational Attainment.” Teenage Parents and Their Educational Attainment. SEDL, 2011. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>

“When Children Have Children.” When Children Have Children. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry., May 2012. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>


10 Things You Didn’t Know About Life After Death by Cesar Lopez

1-) According to the article, “Life and Death”, by Death and Dying published in 2013, a percentage of 82% of American people believed in God, A 72% in angels, a 60% in the devil, and 20% in the reincarnation.

2-) According to the article, “Heaven,” by Encyclopedia Britannica, Western Religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam predict that when you die you will be going to heaven, but Eastern Religions concept that they don’t believe in heaven.

3-) The religion called Zoroastrianism whom believed that if the good soul outweigh the evil soul, that soul would cross the bridge to heaven. If the evil soul was greater than the good soul, the bridge would become narrow to cross and the soul falls into a freezing hell to suffer, according to the article, “Heaven,” by Encyclopedia Britannica.

4-) According to the website, “Life and Death”, by Death and Dying reported that belief the existence of heaven and hell increased over time. Between 1997 and 2007 a majority of people respondents 72% in 1997 and 81% in 2007 acknowledged a belief in heaven. In addition, a majority of respondents 56% in 1997 and 69% in 2007 acknowledged a belief that hell exists in the afterlife.

5-)  According to the article, “Life and Death”, by Death and Dying published in 2013, many Americans people believe in god, others in angel, others in devil, and others in the reincarnation. 82% believed in god, 72% in angels, 60% in the devil, and 20% in reincarnation.

6-) According to “Hell and Hades”, by Encyclopedia Britannica, Hades the god of the underground did not subject of punishing others as an eternal punishment, tartarus a greek place far below from hades a place of torment and wicked, in time Tartarus lost its distinctness and became another name for Hades, a specific name for hell was concealed where concealed was a hot place in the center of the earth.

7-) According to Wikipedia, the indians people believe that when you die your body will be reincarnate in new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life’s actions.

😎 According to Reincarnation by Greenhaven Encyclopedia, shows that “Indian Religion” belief that when you die you will be reincarnated in a plant, animals or a different body where you won’t know you was alive back then.

9-) According to the article,To Pastor, Afterlife Is Where We ‘Learn To Live Together’, by NPR STAFF, every time someone die a new life is born. In heaven there’s no sickness, or disease, no hate, no crime, no evil. That in heaven we all will be together, live on a life as a big family, where everyone will be located to love each other and make a new world of love.

10-) According to the predictor, A Philosopher’s ‘Afterlife’: We May Die, But Others Live On, by NPR STAFF, shows that many people who believe in the afterlife as understood think that if there isn’t an afterlife the no purpose to life that our life is being diminished.


Works Cited

Staff, NPR. “To Pastor, Afterlife Is Where We ‘Learn To Live Together'” NPR. NPR. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. <>.

Staff, NPR. “To Pastor, Afterlife Is Where We ‘Learn To Live Together'” NPR. NPR. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Britannica School.” Britannica School. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. <>.

“Britannica School.” Britannica School. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. <>.



10 Things You Didn’t Know About Global Warming by Vaenc Xhebiati

1. CBC News Acidic ocean deadly for Vancouver Island scallop industry explains that Global Warming is becoming a major issue in the Pacific ocean. The sea creatures are in danger because the ph of the water is getting more acidic. Specifically the scallops are getting destroyed.The scallops can not form their shells so therefor scallops might disappear soon or later due to this. This can also affect the food chain of the sea creatures, other sea creatures might disappear too because of the scallops. People who love sea food wouldn’t want this to happen.

2. In the documentary uploaded by  Best0fScience, explains that Global Warming is getting worse each year. 2000-2009 was the warmest decade in our modern record. This shows that the earth temperature is increasing and its getting warmer and warmer. This can effect on the animals and on the arctic. For example if it gets really warm dry outs are going to happen this puts animals in danger. Also we don’t want the water levels to increase on earth.

3.  Union Concerned Scientists website shows that vehicles are becoming problematic to earth. The carbon is trapping the heat inside the earth. This can lead to rising sea levels, the article suggests us to have electric cars instead of using  the gas, we can do better. We could use electronic cars and save our environment.

4. According to Thinkprogress there has been studies that the sea level is going to increase eventually because of the climate. This can lead us to major problems that we might lose big cities such as New York. Tsunami could happen because of the rising of the sea levels. The earth had more ice than it has now. It has completely changed by a big amount of percentage. Sea level would rise six feet in the next 2,000 years, and 170 of those sites would be sinked.  Global Warming is getting stronger and stronger but the majority of the people aren’t  taking action and making changes.

5. Climate change increases the amount of smog in the air and causes plants to produce more pollen. Those combine to make breathing harder for people. In the article Interesting Facts,  explains that pollution is tricking the people also and they aren’t taking notice of it. The pollution can be a danger to people who have asthma. The air is a lot worst. No wonder why people suffer from asthma.

6. Live Science website explains how Global Warming is setting forest on fire all over the U.S. More wildfires have blazed across the countryside. Live Science is showing that the temperatures are increasing so much that it can cause burning the forests. Scientists have proven that the snow is melting earlier in the arctic than its suppose to.

7.  According to Interesting facts Global warming has made the atmosphere less dense. This means that the satellites are going to move in a faster speed. This is not a good thing because NASA has to make new satellites more often and will cost us more money and it can affect the economy.

8.  Interesting facts  shows that as the world gets hotter, the more aggressive people will get. There has been a new study found that violent crimes and even war become more likely as temperatures rise. This is going to lead us into being more aggressive and the crime percentage is going to increase.

9.  According to National Wildlife Today, the amount of carbon dioxide is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years. And the Earth’s average temperature is increasing faster than ever before. This is showing us that the temperatures are not stable they keep on changing and increasing.

10.  According to Climate Change air conditioning and heating account for almost half of electricity use in the average American home. This is way too much electricity being used global warming is being a threat to us we should do something about it.

Workes Cited

“Sea Level Rise Threatens The Statue Of Liberty And Hundreds Of Other Cultural Heritage Sites.”ThinkProgress RSS. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Cars Emissions and Global Warming.” Union of Concerned Scientists. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

News, CBC. “Acidic Ocean Deadly for Vancouver Island Scallop Industry – British Columbia – CBC News.” CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 26 Feb. 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Global Warming Facts.”YouTube. YouTube, 23 May 2010. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Climate.” ThinkProgress RSS. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <

“HOT ON FUSION.” Fusion. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Global Warming – Google Search.” Global Warming – Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2014.

Ten Things You Did Not Know About Marijuana by Eliseu Depina


  1. Marijuana was classified as the first drugs on 1970 controlled by federal government who considered it have high potential for abused and did not accepted it as medical use however many years later it change according to website eight to ten states that had accepted legalization of marijuana they saw a good results the number of teens who using marijuana had decrease.

  2. Drugs has been decriminalized in many states and others just using it for medicinal purpose only, according Lee Crady “5 Reason Why Marijuana Stinks” it mention that in Colorado citizens now they are allowed to buy marijuana for pleasure, medical reason, and because of the consumer addiction which authorized the seller selling it legally.

  3. A women 60 years old she had a diseases one was destroyed  her lugs and other was disconnected tissue in her joints she was feel a lot pain that could not let her sleeping mentioned by Donald F. Kettl TO “Legalization or Not Legalized” the doctor suggest the women to try marijuana which resolved her problem and now she is supporting the ideas of legalization of marijuana.

  4. In American the consume of marijuana is very high according to “National Survey on Drugs Use And Health”4.5 million of stamate 7.1 million American are abusing illicit drugs and it is become like nicotine hard to quit.

  5. According to website NIH- National Institute on Drugs Abuse it inform after a person smoke he will feel euphoric or high and desire for sex, chocolate, feel sleep or depressed and it tell that 9 percent of people who smoked it will become dependent on it, also it cause delusions and make people lose sense of personal identity.

  6. Correspond to NIH it explain how body respond when marijuana smoke are inhale what it is  causing  inside of the body,  it bring the person risk to have heart attack the reason that it raising blood pressure, make heart rate increase, reducing blood capacity to carrying oxygen, facilitate the user to get cancer of lungs and harm for other part of respiratory also it show negative affect in brain, memory and learning which make student drop off high school. Trying to quit is very hard for the user because when they trying to stop it bring irritability, sleeping difficulties and it increase aggression on psychological.

  7. Donald F. Kettl mention that medical marijuana is legal and political twilight zone which make the policy battles on drugs, entreats patient suffering from pain and some diseases. On 2009 U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder inform that 14 states  are allowed the sale of medical marijuana which will make them focus only on big drugs trafficker and money launderers.

  8. According to the Documentary “Drugs Jamaican Gangs Guns And Ganja” published by National Geographic it apprise how jamaica families are unsafe for the reason that their families member are involved and  be associate with marijuana traffic, a member of the most powerful group of gangs Shower Posse say that the head of group when he call him he supposed do exactly what the head say if not they will kidnap his Daughter or do anything that is necessary to get his attention to warning him what is the duty, they never murder group member for not doing his duty they will forced them to do it.   

  9. The headmaster having power all over trafficker and their families it is not enough to show how powerful the group are or how seriously he is take the marijuana business and what he is capable to do,  revealed by National  Geographic Drugs Jamaican Gangs Guns And Ganja”. The headmaster  have a incredible connection with Mexico and Colombia cartel to traffic drugs into Jamaica, as a consequence it help them obtaining control over  international airport to facilitate transportation of drugs. Colombia including some state inside American like New york, New Jersey and Florida are the destination of drugs in return of cash or guns.

  10. The trafficker take the marijuana business  really sincerely which make them so angry and violent if somebody trying to go between their business this the reason they make their own rules suggest by a group member Drugs Jamaican Gangs Guns And Ganja” whom are involved in marijuana traffick. They have their own sergeant, lieutenant, and commission of police. Not the gangs side are benefit by having their own rules the residents also are benefited by it pointed out by a trafficker that the resident have their respect, they are taking care of kids by give them uniform lunch money and he say without drugs they are not able to take care of the residents.

Works Cited

Charisma News.” Charisma News. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. <;.

Jacobs, Harrison. “Washington’s Weed Legalization Could Be A Disaster For Medical Users, And They’re Making A Last Stand.”Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 10 Jan. 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Marijuana.” How Does Marijuana Use Affect Your Brain and Body?Web. 15 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Marijuana: To Legalize or Not to Legalize?” Marijuana: To Legalize or Not to Legalize? Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <;.

20 Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC – Medical Marijuana – ProConorg Headlines

Digital image. Madical Marijuana. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2014.

People Smoking. Digital image. People Smoking. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.


10 things You Didn’t Know About College Basketball by Elian Ventura


1- To have and scholarship to play basketball in college is not easy, according to the website, they say traditional basketball scholarship require to be really good at the sport and also call the attention of one of the agent, and also there is a great amount of focus  on not only talent but good grades also, as those awarded scholarships must meet certain GPA requirements.

2- Much college college players have a big scholarship, about 25,000 per year, but none of this money goes to the players according to the Huffpost, Why College Athletes should be Pay, by Tyson Hartnett, Tyson argues that college players should have a least a letter money for their personals necessities.

3- The first college basketball game was on january 18, 1896 between Iowa and Chicago and the final score was just funny 15-12, according to the American’s story from America’s Library.

4- The number 1 overall in college basketball or NCAA, seed like it only brings bad luck to the teams. Since the number 1 overall  first awarded in 2004, only Florida in 2007 won the title, while four of the seven missed the Final Four. According to Men’s College Basketball, by ESPN.

5- CNN, Life After Basketball Takes Formers Players Down In Different Paths, by Jen Christensen, only about 1% of college players go pro and only a small percentage more get a job playing overseas. To even coach basketball, players need to get a college degree.

6- According to the the first NCAA men’s basketball tournament had only 9 teams participating in my opinion this was not a goood thing for the players, they had to play more games and sometimes you wold get bore to play the same tiems over and over again.

7- The NCAA stance for National College Athletic Association, the college basketballtournament is also known as the Big Dance or march madness because most of the season is play in march, according to the NCAA, march madness web site.

8- One tradiction fallow by the college basketball players is cutting down the nets after a big game, this tradition comes from,  North Carolina State coach Everett Case who didn’t realize he was starting a tradition  in 1947. He just wanted something to remember the moment. Michael Gluskin wrote a piece on the origins of college hoops’ net-cutting tradition in 2005.

9- On the 2009 the NCAA march madness finals broke a record, the finals record the most ever fans in a college basketball game, the recorded 72,922 fans. The winners and champions of the night were the north carolina tar heels According to the NCAA .

10- College basketball also has a woman’s league according to eHow, Interesting Facts About Women’s Basketball, The Women’s Basketball Association was founded in 1977. The WBA  started with eight teams Dayton, New Jersey, New York, Houston, Milwaukee, Chicago, Iowa, and Minnesota and lasted three seasons record book.

work site

Hartnett, Tyson. “Why College Athletes Should Be Paid.” The Huffington Post. The Huffington, 21 Oct. 2013. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Feelings Ignored by NCAA, Players Union Hopefuls Ready for Fight.” Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“I Shattered My Leg at the NCAA Tournament and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt | The Nation.” I Shattered My Leg at the NCAA Tournament and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt | The Nation. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Men’s Basketball DI.” Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

Greenspan, Jesse. “10 Things You May Not Know About March Madness.” A&E Television Networks, 19 Mar. 2013. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.

Drexel Basketball Team. Digital image. N.p., 20 Mar. 2014. Web. 20 Mar. 2014 <>.

/Kevin_Ware_cuts_the_net_. Digital image. N.p., 20 Mar. 2014. Web. 20 Mar. 2014 <>.

Staticflickr. Digital image. N.p., 20 Mar. 2014. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <>.


Steroids in Baseball by Rafael Soto

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1-According to the article “Baseball and Steroids: What’s The Big Deal?” by Denise Carise explain how the people uses steroids for maintenance to cheat or to  look good but they used as a drugs but the baseball players they are attended to use them to earn power.

2-The newspaper website International Business Times by Philips Ross,explain the most recent case of steroids in MLB that was Alex Rodriguez who had been the face of Baseball for many years got suspended for 162-games of the season.images.jpg

3-According to the NBCnews by the new report this shows how the MLB is giving a punishment to Sammy Sosa,Barry bonds and roger clemens by not allowing them to go to the Half of fame cooperstown.

4-the Article “McGwire mum on steroids in hearing” by CNN NEWS, it explains the story of a big star in Baseball who had one of the most biggest record in baseball hitting home runs but he got  in 1998 the MLB found him guilty

5-  in the article “What Effect Do Steroids Have on MLB Athletes?” by Seth Victor explain what are the effects that causes the steroids in the baseball athletes also it explain how the baseball player  Melky Cabrera describe the stress that the steroids caused and etc.

6- Based on the Article “The steroids Era” by the ESPN,MLB shows a big list of baseball players who had been caught using steroids also this explain the records that those baseball player broke and how many games they got suspended.

7-According to the article “Baseball’s banned substances” by Los Angeles times Sport, give many details about the differents types of Illegal Substances in baseball and other sports.

8-In Nov.13,2013 According to the article”A timeline of MLB’s Drug-Testing rules”by the associate press 5 and 7 percent of 1,438 anonymous test were positive for steroids from that time the MLB started to payed more attention to the uses of steroids and the puted a penalty of 50 games suspended who got caught using steroid but in a case of 4 times positive test in the same player it would be 1 year os suspension or pay 100,000$.

9-According to the article “A timeline of MLB’s Drug-testing rules” by associate explain all the rules and all the punishment that the MLB had been adopted for the these all prayer who had been caught using steroids.

10-According to the article “The effects of steroids in Baseball”  by Chris Sherwood explain how the Baseball  had change from the 1980’s and 1990’s because of the steroids now in days the players use it because they want to earn more money or because they want more fame they don’t play for love to the sport.

Works Cited

Carise, Deni. “Baseball and Steroids: What’s the Big Deal?”The Huffington Post. The Huffington, 12 Sep. 2013. Web. 15 Mar. 2014.

“MLB.” Bleacher Report. Web. 03 Apr. 2014. <;.

“Baseball’s Banned Substances.” Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times. Web. 03 Apr. 2014. <,0,728091.story#axzz2wEc9OKRq

“The Big Story.” The Big Story. Web. 02 Apr. 2014. <;.


10 Things You Didn’t Know About the New York Yankees by Angel Troncoso

1- Wikipedia informs that the New York Yankees are an American professional baseball team based in the Bronx borough of New York City that competes in Major League Baseball (MLB) in the American League’s (AL) East Division.

2-According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, New York Yankees baseball team base in the borough of the Bronx  of New York City. New York Yankees are one of the most famous and successful teams in the baseball history. The New York  Yankees have a record 27 World Series titles and 40 American League (AL) pennants.

3- wikipedia inform that New York Yankees moved to their new home yankees stadium  locate in the bronx in 1923, the Yankees stadium was the first triple-deck venue in baseball and seated an astounding 58,000 people, Yankees stadium is one of the most  bigger stadium of the american league.

4-wikipedia explain  that  New Yankees  is one of the most baseball team with more world series won and better records  in the American league but the New York Yankees also have the most  famous baseball players in the baseball history, For example. Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle,and Yogi Berra.

Some important player of New York

5-According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the sportswriter was  confused how to call the New York, local writer referred to the team as “Yankees” or “Yanks,” because the team was in the American League, They decide to call yankees to by more specific.

6-Encyclopedia Britannica inform that Frank Farrell and Bill Devery in 1903, brought the baltimore team to New york,one of Manhattan’s highest points, which led to the name New York Highlanders that was the first name of the Yankees. Frank Farrell and Bill Devery they  was a baseball player of New York Yankees  in (1866 – February 10, 1926)

7-wikipedia inform that Alex Rodriguez player of New York Yankees, was one of the most prodigious Player of New York Yankees scouts had ever seen and is now considered one of the greatest baseball players of New York yankees. But now Alex have 162 suspended of the american league because the new york yankees found that alex have steroids.

8-According to wikipedia babe ruth was one of the most historical player of the new york yankees, was a professional player of american league, with baseball posit outfielder and pitcher who played 22 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB), from 1914 to 1935. Babe Ruth was a pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, and them achieved his greatest fame as a slugging outfielder for the New York Yankees.

9-According to the wikipedia Robinson Cano was born in Dominican Republic in October 22,1982, Cano is one of the most baseball player for the yankees from 2005 to now, his position  baseball is a second base, Canó is a five-time All-Star (2006, 2010–2013) and five-time Silver Slugger Award winner (2006, 2010–2013). He won two Gold Glove Awards (2010, 2012).

10-Wikipedia inform that, Robinson Cano a famous player of New York Yankees, Now is a player for the Marineros de Seattle, because new york yankees not give what cano want for the contract, and settle offered 250 million and Robinson Cano accept it and now Robinson are with Sailors settle.

Works Cited

Alex Rodriguez. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. <>.

Babe Ruth. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. <>.

Joe dimaggio. Digital image. 2 Apr. 14 <>.

Robinson Cano. Digital image. 3 Mar. 14 <>.

Digital image. 2 Apr. 14 <>

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “New York Yankees (American Baseball Team).”Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“New York Yankees.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Mar. 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014 <>.

Relationships & Love by Skarlen Sabaris

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Topics about relationships and love is not a very controversial in today’s reality, but it plays a big role in our life. If our society were more educated about love and relationships, many divorces and separations would be avoided, and would avoid that children grow up without the support of their parents.

1. According to the article “Pensamientos” by Marcela Aires, published in July 2007, shows that  love is one of the most powerful things that all of us wants to have. Love is what makes you wake up everyday with dedication and hope. Love is what makes you become a better person, and is what makes you understand that not everything in life is about money or materials. Love is not only an emotional feeling, is what makes you live for others and for the ones you love.

2. In the magazine “What Love Means” by Marcela Aires, shows that love is one of the most wonderful things, but also is one of the biggest painful feelings. When someone you love hurts you, you feel the world is coming to you, many consequences comes behind, that makes you feel less and the most insignificant person.

3.According to “Soltar, Para Volver a Vivir” a article written by Silvia Russek, shows that in a relationship we must be always honest, but not give too much. Not cling to anyone onto you see there is connection between. It will evit painful feeling in case something goes wrong during the relationship.

4. In the article Entregando y Recibiendo el Amor que Necesitas by Rebetzin Tzipora Heller, shows that we must be flexible in order to have a good relationship. There must be understanding, tolerance and honesty toward the partner. Especially understand that we are humans, and we make mistakes.

5. Oddly enough, jealousy is one of the first things that can break up a relationship. Jealousy is only fear, insecurity. Jealousy comes from distorted thoughts to some extent that may be offensive and gradually leaving partner mistrust. As Miriam Ronca Diaz describes in the article “Los Celos: Enemigo de la relación de parejas”

6. Based on this article Relationships and Self Esteem by Divod Lieberman, we should give love but knowing what we are worth for and who we are. Meaning that, we should have a healthy relationship not only with a partner and friends, but also value yourself and  life for yourself.

7. In the article “10 Reasons Why Love Ends” by Victoria Villamil, shows that love does not end from night to morning, but also it shows that small things are the one that basically breaks the relationship. For example little ambition– show talent for the future, and demonstrate your partner your ability to progress and accomplish your goals. How peculiar could this be?

8. Based on The “One Major Cause Of Relationship Problems” by Dr. Margaret Paul, There about 6 to 7 major cause that many relationships ends up in problems. The most important one is  self-abandonment, because we judge our self, rather than accept our self as we are. We get on a depression, anxiety, guilt and shame because we don’t feel sure and we feel unloved by our partner. If we don’t do something before the problem covers us, the trust and the confidence in the relationship will basically thwart.

9. Based on this article “Relationships and Self Esteem” by Divod Lieberman sours out that everything depends on our self esteem. If we misunderstand what we are, we won’t be able to love, to cooperate or have a lovely relationship. If our self esteem is in a low way it will be hard to have a relationship because every single word will affect you, and if someone don’t show you love it will be a very painful situation.

10. According to Sundara Blair, in the article “Why the Divorce Rate is so High: Observations From the Front-Row Seat of a Couples Counselor”. Starting or during the dating relationship we see marriage as a princess dream which is basically what leads us to marriage. After times goes by, things might change. We blame our partners or the relationship, when we don’t see things in the way we want it or imagined they would be. When we realized that we are not living a fantasy, we get disappointed and we start to feel insecure and unhappy. Our emotional and physical life deteriorates and basically is how you don’t feel trust or you don’t feel the partnership confident anymore. Within the time the decision of the divorce is more than a need.

Work Cited

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“The ONE Major Cause Of Relationship Problems!”YourTango. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <


“Why the Divorce Rate Is so High: Observations From the Front-Row Seat of a Couples Counselor.”The Rise of Eve. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.<>.

10 Things Minimum Wage by Aissatou Barry

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1-The National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness explains the homeless population includes people from all walks of life. In the U.S. more than 3.5 million people are  homeless each year, and 35% of homeless are family with children, which is the reason for  growing segment of the homeless population. Also 25% are children under the age 18 years are homeless, and 30% across family is making violence.

2-The National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness finds the cause of homelessness is the economy problem and its also affected by a number of social and political factors.The economy problem is that the housing paid is growing in the United States, which is very hard for the people who get minimum wage because it’s three time more than the minimum wage, which is very sad because they can’t be able to pay for the housing, which also cause the the reason of sleeping outside.

3- The hunger and homelessness are increasing epidemics plaguing in the United State. According to the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness, the national poverty rate rose to include 13.2% of the population. More sadly 1 in 7 people were risk of suffering from hunger in the USA. In addition there is 3.5 million people forced to sleep in the parks, cars, under bridges, which is very unrespectful for the United State when other countries knows this.

4-In the upfront article “Time for a Raise?” by Patricia Smith, published in February 3, 2014, president Obama want to increase the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $10.10 by 2015, arguing that people who get up at 4:30 a.m. to deliver newspapers in the dark, which is getting harder to get paid at a amount of $9 in an hour. In addiction Obama also argue that no one who works full time in American should have to live in a poverty.

5-From the article “Time for a Raise?” by Patricia Smith, published in February 3, 2014 Rojas, a 23 years old man states that it is difficult to live and sustain himself off a minimum wage of $8.07 while working only 20-25 hours a week. He is forced to live with his parents and cannot afford an apartment or a car. If restaurants were to raise minimum wage then they would not be able to hire as many people as they do and would even have to combine some of the positions they have now.

6-In “Obama to Campaign For Minimum Wage Hike Despite Opposition,” an article published in Washington Mar 2, 2014, the Connecticut and Vermont have higher minimum wage than the federal minimum. Connecticut’s floor is $8.25 an hour and Vermont’s is $8.60.

7-According to the article “Time for a Raise?” Roberto Tejado a 20 years old man, who earn $8 an hour at a Taco Bell in Los Angeles, insists the jobs that the minimum wage is not for teenagers anymore, meaning that when he work he need to help his father with bills and rent, he lives on $120 a month and that constant struggle. Importantly the Economic Policy Institute estimates that an increasing of $2.85 in the minimum wage it’s will help about 28 million workers, that will get them to have an additional $6,000 of income a years for those who work full time. Is’nt that better them $8 an hour?

8-In “Time for a  Raise,” an article by Patricia Smith, published in February 3, 2014, one of  the problems is that companies believe if you increase minimum wage then it’s will be too expensive for them to hire a lot of people, which will end up in less people having job. Thus increasing unemployment to 11 million American looking for jobs. But what about the living wage that get $15 an hour which is way different from the minimum wage that’s $9 an hour. How does us that have living wage think about minimum wage?

9- Malloy, governor of Connecticut, said the Congress should feel pressure to keep low-wage workers from living poverty. He was quoted in the article “Obama to Campaign For Minimum Wage Hike Despite Opposition” publish in washington sun Mar 2, 2014, saying  “A wage raise would be a shot in the arm for the sluggish economy because it would give people more money to spend.”

10- Obama wants to increase the minimum wage, so in order to increase it he has to use his budget to emphasize programs aimed at speeding economic growth and creating jobs. But, according to the article “Obama to Campaign For Minimum Wage Hike Despite Opposition” published in Washington Mar 2, 2014, the problem is that Congress doesn’t want that.


Works Cited

Chicago Raise The Minimum Wage. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. <>.

Minimum Wage. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Obama to Campaign for Minimum Wage Hike despite Opposition.” Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 02 Mar. 2014. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.

“Overview of Homelessness In America.” Homelessness In America. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. <>.

Smith, Patricia. “Time for a Raise?” Upfront 3 Feb. 2014: 10-11. Print.



10 Things You Did Not Know About Bullying by Keila Gomes

1-According to the academic journal, “Bullying and Cyberbullying: History, Statistic, Law, Prevention and Analysis,”  by Richard Donegan, an undergraduate research in communication student from Elon university explains that the idea of bullying started since the beginning of the world. Since the desire to survive was among all living things, many individuals used to give their best to compete to the multiple species/individuals in a limited natural resources.These competition caused the individual to grow and learn a corrupt ways to became ahead of others in a social environment. But the author explains that the bullying was not noticed at this time.

2-According to the article “Old-school Sweetheart of Modern-Day Menace: The History Of The Word Bully,” by Nora Nunn, a research assistance that research and write support to several projects, she explains that in the 1500s when people use the word bully it meant “sweetheart” or “lover,” and several centuries later the word turns from a “fine fellow” to something violent or “bluster.” Then as the time went by the word bully start to change gradually until it turns into the modern meaning today. It very weird how one word can change from sweet meaning to an horrible one.

3-Today According to the article “Bullying,” from Encyclopedia Britannica, the author explain that Bullying is a physical, mental, and emotional abuse over someone which most of the time frighten and makes the victim feel bad about themselves. Also the author believes that Bullying affects most children and young age teenagers, and rare affect the adults. This major issue happen more in school,  where young teen call each others offensive names, rumors, lies, and excluding people from a certain group.

4-In the same article “Bullying” from Encyclopedia Britanic, the author points out that  bullying can affects the victims in a negative way. They might harm themselves, become depressed and sometimes physically ill.  He also says an important point that the bullies are also affected in a negative way, such as mental problem, higher risk to commit a crime, and not be able to create a healthy relationship. Many people think that the victim is the only one being affected, but it is not.

5-Even know bullying has its negative effects, it also has its positive effects. For example, the book Dear Bully, written by Megan Kelley  Hall and Carrie Jones, the author concludes that at very end of the 70 victim bullying stories all of them became successful. The bullying make them stronger and today most of them are writers, or other good professionals.

6-Besides of positive effect, it also has a negative effect. For instance, the Academic Journal “LGBTQ Students Need a Safe Alternative to Thrive and Stay in School” by Jorge salazar, the author reveals that one of most of the young teenagers affected are the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning). The bullying happens more in school, and it is affecting their education. Many LGBTQ are dropping out of high school because the bullying is making them feel bad about themselves, they feel unsafe, and they became very depressed. These effects is making many LGBTQ students not able to complete their course in a regular school. This effect also called many people attention that this dropping rate need to stop. Many started and had to take online classes, and created LGBTQ community center where people can complete their course to stop the population from dropping out.

7-According to the academic journal “Direct Bullying: criminal act mimicking what has been learned,” the author reveals that the other effect that brought the nation attention is when many teenagers started to kill themselves between the year 2007-2012 because they were being bullied.

8-In the same academic journal “Direct Bullying: criminal act mimicking what has been learned,” the author proves based on research that the child behavior is based on how the parents conduct their child. Bullies are most likely to be the people who used to be exposed by domestic violence. Many children who parents maltreat, they tend to feel that they are treat unfairly and the only solution  for them to solve the problem is to maltreat others. The author admit that the parents is the responsible for their bullies kid behavior because they learn it at home.

9-According to the video, “Cry For Help” the author alerts that the rate of teenagers committing suicide it is tripple than the past 60 years. Also the author says that most of teenagers does not kill themselves because they want to, but because they are not strong enough to be left out or injured it is to painful for them. They want help and cannot get it and they decide to leave the world. Another deep point that the video “cry for help” bring up is that many victim cannot get help because most of the time, they do seem okay, but inside they are not. Also they might feel nobody cannot help them in other words they do not trust themselves and people around.

10-According to the article “Should School Monitor Students’ Social Media Activity,” from a Magazine, by Rebecca Zissou, the author points out that one way of preventing bullying is to the school district start to monitor the student social media, and try to identify any bullying suspects to be able to protect the student that is in risk.

Work Cited

“bullying.” Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

Donegan, Richard. Bullying and Cyberbullying: History, Statistics, Law, Prevention and Analysis (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <>.

Garby, Lisa. “Direct bullying: criminal act or mimicking what has been learned?” Education 133.4 (2013): 448+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

Hall, Megan Kelley, and Carrie Jones. Dear Bully: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories. New York, NY: HarperTeen, 2011. Print.

Nunn, Nora. “” Old-School Sweetheart to Modern-Day Menace: The History of the Word Bully. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.

Salazar, Jorge. “LGBTQ Students Need a Safe Alternative to Thrive and Stay in School.” High School Dropouts. Ed. Judeen Bartos. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from “Phoenix Nonprofit Opens Arizona’s First LGBT High School.” College Times (25 Apr. 2012). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

Zissou, Rebecca. “Web watch: should schools monitor students’ social media activity?” Junior Scholastic/Current Events 13 Jan. 2014: 15. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

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