Category Archives: Food

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Dominican Food By Erika Nunez

Erika heder_edited-1.jpg 1- According to the article “Dominican Food”, shows that the  food of Dominican Republic is a blend of many different cultural dishes all combined to make style of cooking that is unique to this island. The Dominicans have created their own food and cooking styles into dishes that have   their own distinctive flavor, tastes and appearances.

2- The different cultural dishes come from Africa, Spain, and the Taino. But dominican’s variation on the Spanish dish of paella is known as stew creole{locrio}, which uses rice colored with the spice achiote instead of saffron.

 3- According to the article “That’s Dominican” Manuel  is a boy from Dominican Republic that make video about his country also he creates a page where he puts information about dominican’s food. He explains that sancocho is the national dish of the dominican people. It is made with a variety of meals and vegetables such as pork, beef, goat, sweet potatoes. Must people like to cook sancocho to share with the family. Also there is another type of soup, stew type dish called asopao which is meal veggies and rice in a flavorful.

4- Anthony Bourdain, a famous american chef who have his own tv shows. He travels to different part of the world so he went to Dominican Republic to shows the different ways the people use to cook and also the different types of food. He went to a places Boca Chica, which is one of the places with the most famous beach and with the best fried fish in the zone.

5- According to “That’s Dominican” breakfast dominican style has many options from which to choose. One of the traditional foods served for breakfast is mangu which is mashed plantains with some flavoring added like butter  and topped with lots of red onions, fried cheese, fried salami and egg.

6- On the other hand people like to eat for breakfast oats {avena}that usually a bit runny cooked with milk and is very sweet. Also -jugo de avena, hot chocolate made with water and milk, people eat this with bread.

7- “Encyclopedia  Britannica” where this explains the difference cuisine  between poorer. middle and upper class. Each class have distinct variation of food, like the poor food include rice, beans and vegetable, but the middle and upper food include fresh seafood, tropical fruits, meats, queso fresco(white cheese), fried plantains, hearts-of-palm salad, shrimp pilaf with chiles and onions, or grilled sea bass.

8- There are many popular national dishes in the Dominican Republic, for example the flag (la bandera). According to the article “Dominican Republic Cuisine” the flag is the most popular dishes. This dish is made with rice, bean and any types of meat also with salad.

9- According to the article “Dominican Republic cuisine” there are many traditional dominican dessert like majarete, habichuela con dulce, pudin de pan. Habichuela con dulce is only made during easter week. This dish is made from red bean, milk, coconut milk, sugar, cinnamon sticks also habichuela con dulce are served cold and with sweet cookies.

10- Like the article “Dominican Republic cuisine” say that arroz con leche is one of the most popular and simple to make of dominican dessert. Rice pudding is made with rice, milk, sugar, raisins, butter. This recipe is very easy to make, the ingredients are easy to find and the rice pudding comes out creamy, decadent and just very yummy.


Works Cited

“Dominican Food – Dominican Cuisine.” – Food in Dominican Republic. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Dominican Republic Cuisine.” – My Destination Dominican Republic. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Relive the Dominican Republic.” Travel Channel. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Top 10 Dominican Foods.” Top 10 Dominican Republic Foods. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.