Category Archives: Relationships

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Teen Dating Violence by Mariza Spinola

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Being in a relationship is a very important step, and teens never know when is the best age to start. Most of the time girls matured more faster than the boys. Girls start to worry about looking good and in how to impress their boy. But the study made by Amanda Lenhart show how teens being suffering abuse in relationship constantly, but almost never report it because they are scared.

  1. According to a article “The Data On Teen Dating”, from article Bps starting  relationship early can cause a teen to became less successful in school, its interrupting their ability to develop their skills. This study which took place in Canada reveals that this interest began in an age of puberty and gradually evolves into casual interest.

  1. According to the article “The Data On The Dating” from Bps Library article teens that suffer dating abuse are more likely to suffer a long time consequence such as becoming an alcoholic, disorders, thoughts of suicide, and violent behavior. The Canadian study also mention that this problem is happening more in our society, its aggravating.

  1. According to the article “The Dark Side Of Teen Dating” violence in a relationship is increasing everyday, those that abuse their partner its because they want to feel that they have power over their partner. On this article we will learn a story of a girl who suffered abuse in a relationship for several years and ended in a tragedy.

  1. “Abuse its not normal, it all depends on the victim to stop the abuse on the relationship. Its not okay to stay quiet and let people abuse you, your partner it’s not your owner. According to the article “Just a Normal Part of Growing Up?”, parents should help their kids that are been harassed, but taking in consideration that for the victims to get any type of help they have to tell their parents what is going on. The article also mention that violence is not part of growing up.

  1. Females between the age of 12 of 16 are three times more likely than the rest of the population to suffer abuse by their partner. The article “ Dating Violence” describes how most of the people that suffer abuse in a relationship get so scared that they stay on that unhealthy relationship until it gets to a point that the victim have no control over what is going on. They end up doing anything the partner (aggressor) ask them to do. Here the author explains how the the story of Lynn Ann and Garry end up in a big tragedy.

  1. Spending class time discussing about teens dating/violence is not a teacher’s job, its the parents job to educate their kids. It is necessary that at home parents sit down and talk with their kids about possible issue they might confront in a relationship. According to the article “School Teen Dating Violence Programs Are Unnecessary”, by Mac Donald, at school students should spend time learning grammar, not wasting time doing parents job.

  1. According to the article “Sexting Can Be a Serious Problem For Dating Teens” teens that parents have control over them, control their text, give their kids phones with limited text and calls, and the amount of the time spended in front of a computer. Amanda Lenhart also added to the article that the concerns about sexting is increasing every day, the percentage is going up.

  1. Breaking up with a partner is not easy, its hard and it takes time. Its hurts but that doesn’t mean you will die because of it, people should learn from it and do better on their next relationship. According to the article “The Do’s and Don’ts Of Breaking Up” by Anna, breaking up with your car insurance can be easier than with your partner, because for your car insurance you can just contract another professional, but with your partner you can’t do the same.

  1. Teens who suffered abused resist any type of treatment , seek help because they are afraid to expose themself. According to the article “The Data on Teen Dating”, by Ann Lukit, entering in a relationship to early can leave scars on teens  which will disturb them later on in a real relationship. There are many problems that it might cause.

  1. According to the article “7 Myths About Sexual Assault and Dating Violence” 77 percent of the teens that suffer a sexual abuse they go to a same school or live near each other. The article also revealed that nine of ten percent of the victims know their aggressor.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About STDs by Jesus Jimenez

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), diseases like HIV, Gonorrhea, HPV, Chlamydia can be transmitted by having sex or any sexual contact. They may also be transmitted from a mother to her child before or at birth. Sexual transmitted diseases usually affect many organs like the genitals, the reproductive tract, the urinary tract, the oral cavity, the anus, or the rectum. The big key to prevent these dangerous diseases is by using condom, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica .

According to the article The Health Site Published by Pavitra Sampath in November 29/2013, HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system and your immune system protects you from germs that cause infections and make you sick. This disease is the most known disease in the word and is one of the most dangerous diseases. And when when you are infected by HIV many times, the disease becomes stronger and more difficult for the treatment of the infection. If you thought that HIV is transmitted only by sexual contact, you are wrong. HIV is also transmitted by sharing with people that have the disease, and by infected blood or having contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person (semen, milk or fluids from the vagina). This is important to remember that the person can get infected when the fluid enters to the body of the other person through either an open sore in the mouth or the anus or through the vagina.

According to WebMD and Center for Diseases Control And Prevention Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can infect both men and women. It can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. You can get gonorrhea by having anal, vaginal, or oral sex with someone who has gonorrhea. Gonorrhea can be cured with the right treatment.

According to the  Center for Diseases Control And Prevention Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that infect humans causing warts, tumours and cancers the genital tract and of the uterine cervix in women. You can get HPV by having oral, vaginal, or anal sex with someone that is infected. It is most common to be infected during vaginal or anal sex. HPV can be transmitted when an infected person have no signs or symptoms. There is no cure for this disease.

Chlamydia is a STD bacterial infection that can be passed on during having sex vaginal, anal, or oral. This disease can do permanent damage to our body and it can leave women unable to have children later in life. And the good news of this disease is that it can be treated and cured with antibiotics.This disease is the most commonly reported STD in the U.S. According to the Center for Diseases Control And Prevention.

According to the What you need to know about Hepatitis C this disease is a disease  that damages the liver. A person with  hepatitis C can affect  their health and HIV treatment decisions. This disease is relate with HIV because the people affected by HIV can get this disease faster and can become very affected by a potent HIV.

According to the article Planned parenthood Syphilis is a diseases like the other STD that can be transmitted by having sex with a person that is infected with the virus. Symptoms of syphilis are chancre, painless genital sore that are more in common on the penis or in and around the vagina. Alson with this disease people can get more easily HIV infection. This disease can make damage in the skin and in other organs like, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and become a secondary syphilis. It’s important to use condom and controlling having sex with different partner to prevent this dangerous disease.

Another disease is Bacterial vaginosis is a possibly Sexsually Transmitted Disease, that is a vaginal infection  in women of reproductive ages. This disease affect the skin, mouth and some organs of the body. Bacterial Vaginosis doesn’t have symptoms sometimes in women. You can get this disease by having sex with  multiple sexual partners. According to the  Center for Diseases Control And Prevention.

According to the  Center for Diseases Control And Prevention Trichomoniasis is another STD and this disease can be transmitted mostly of the time to the women and usually to man. Diseases like this one don’t always cause symptoms, they can cause frequent, painful, or burning urination in men and women. Also with this disease the  premature birth and babies can come with low weight, because of the disease that affect the sex organs of the woman

According to the Center for Diseases Control And PreventionAnother disease is Genital Herpes that is a very contagious disease. You can get herpes by having oral, vaginal, or anal sex with someone that has this disease. This disease can causes many damage to your body and to your sexual organs. Also if a woman is pregnant and is infected the disease can pass from the mother to the child. A Lot of people do not know that they have this disease because sometimes this disease does not have symptoms, but sometimes the disease affect the skin or ingrown hair.

Works Cited

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 30 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. <;.

“11 Things about HIV/AIDS You Didn’t Know.” Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Britannica School.” Britannica School. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Gonorrhea Causes, Diagnosis, and Symptoms in Men and Women.” WebMD. WebMD, 03 Jan. 0000. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <;.

“About Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).” KidsHealth – the Web’s Most Visited Site about Children’s Health. Ed. Larissa Hirsch. The Nemours Foundation, 01 Jan. 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. <;.

“It’s Your Sex Life.” Check Up: Chlamydia (Text-Only Version). Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <;.

“Top 5 Things You Didn’t Know About HPV.” Cancer. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <;.

Relationships & Love by Skarlen Sabaris

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Topics about relationships and love is not a very controversial in today’s reality, but it plays a big role in our life. If our society were more educated about love and relationships, many divorces and separations would be avoided, and would avoid that children grow up without the support of their parents.

1. According to the article “Pensamientos” by Marcela Aires, published in July 2007, shows that  love is one of the most powerful things that all of us wants to have. Love is what makes you wake up everyday with dedication and hope. Love is what makes you become a better person, and is what makes you understand that not everything in life is about money or materials. Love is not only an emotional feeling, is what makes you live for others and for the ones you love.

2. In the magazine “What Love Means” by Marcela Aires, shows that love is one of the most wonderful things, but also is one of the biggest painful feelings. When someone you love hurts you, you feel the world is coming to you, many consequences comes behind, that makes you feel less and the most insignificant person.

3.According to “Soltar, Para Volver a Vivir” a article written by Silvia Russek, shows that in a relationship we must be always honest, but not give too much. Not cling to anyone onto you see there is connection between. It will evit painful feeling in case something goes wrong during the relationship.

4. In the article Entregando y Recibiendo el Amor que Necesitas by Rebetzin Tzipora Heller, shows that we must be flexible in order to have a good relationship. There must be understanding, tolerance and honesty toward the partner. Especially understand that we are humans, and we make mistakes.

5. Oddly enough, jealousy is one of the first things that can break up a relationship. Jealousy is only fear, insecurity. Jealousy comes from distorted thoughts to some extent that may be offensive and gradually leaving partner mistrust. As Miriam Ronca Diaz describes in the article “Los Celos: Enemigo de la relación de parejas”

6. Based on this article Relationships and Self Esteem by Divod Lieberman, we should give love but knowing what we are worth for and who we are. Meaning that, we should have a healthy relationship not only with a partner and friends, but also value yourself and  life for yourself.

7. In the article “10 Reasons Why Love Ends” by Victoria Villamil, shows that love does not end from night to morning, but also it shows that small things are the one that basically breaks the relationship. For example little ambition– show talent for the future, and demonstrate your partner your ability to progress and accomplish your goals. How peculiar could this be?

8. Based on The “One Major Cause Of Relationship Problems” by Dr. Margaret Paul, There about 6 to 7 major cause that many relationships ends up in problems. The most important one is  self-abandonment, because we judge our self, rather than accept our self as we are. We get on a depression, anxiety, guilt and shame because we don’t feel sure and we feel unloved by our partner. If we don’t do something before the problem covers us, the trust and the confidence in the relationship will basically thwart.

9. Based on this article “Relationships and Self Esteem” by Divod Lieberman sours out that everything depends on our self esteem. If we misunderstand what we are, we won’t be able to love, to cooperate or have a lovely relationship. If our self esteem is in a low way it will be hard to have a relationship because every single word will affect you, and if someone don’t show you love it will be a very painful situation.

10. According to Sundara Blair, in the article “Why the Divorce Rate is so High: Observations From the Front-Row Seat of a Couples Counselor”. Starting or during the dating relationship we see marriage as a princess dream which is basically what leads us to marriage. After times goes by, things might change. We blame our partners or the relationship, when we don’t see things in the way we want it or imagined they would be. When we realized that we are not living a fantasy, we get disappointed and we start to feel insecure and unhappy. Our emotional and physical life deteriorates and basically is how you don’t feel trust or you don’t feel the partnership confident anymore. Within the time the decision of the divorce is more than a need.

Work Cited

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. <>.

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

Hetero Love Heart. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Los Celos: El Enemigo En La Relación De Pareja | Miriam Rocha Díaz.” Miriam Rocha Daz. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.


“Relaciones Y Autoestima.”Aishlatinocom. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Pensamientos.” Pensamientos. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.     <>.
“Soltar, Para Volver a Vivir.”Soltar, Para Vivir Mejor. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.
“The ONE Major Cause Of Relationship Problems!”YourTango. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <


“Why the Divorce Rate Is so High: Observations From the Front-Row Seat of a Couples Counselor.”The Rise of Eve. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.<>.

Violence Against Women by Daritza Suero

Daritza header_edited-2.jpg By: Daritza Suero

1. The Office On Women’s Health, U.S.Department of Health and  Human Services  points out that there are  differents types of abuse such as physical, verbal and emotional. Emotional abuse happens to  anyone, for example you get  seen  what you’re doing all the time also when partners  unfairly accuses you of being unfaithful all the time you get frustrated when you know is not true. Emotional abuse have many characteris a lot of men prevents or discourages the women from seeing friends or family all of this thing are Emotional abuse.

2. According to the video “Through their eyes” by Crisis Center of Northern New Mexico that educates and informs families about the short and long term effects of domestic violence on children and youth, Hispanic Communications explain that the Childrens who see violence and bullying in the house often imitate their  parents  to become violent or victim of violence when they grow up.

3. The speech by Hillary Clinton “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” Points out that the women have the same Rights as everybody. In 1995 Clinton spoke in front of  the nation about Women Rights. Her speech, which called for women “to come together” the way  they do “everyday in every county,“ made clear that women and men are equal.

4. According to the article “Jealous husband stabbed his wife 15 times, ran her over then sent her a Christmas card as she lay dying in hospital.” husband has jailed for 17 year after he killed his wife by stabbing her at least 15 times, he thought she was having an affair with a neighbor, because of jealous. Jealous connect to violence when they only see in the moment they transm in other person, jealous is a mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, as in love.

5. The webpage “Violence Against Women Information,” by Amnesty International point out that Violence against women is compounded by discrimination on the grounds of race, sexual identity, social status, class, and age. Such multiple way of discrimination women’s choices, increase their vulnerability to violence and make it harder for all the women to obtain justice.

6. In 2013 Amnesty International US finds that around the world at least one woman in every three has been beaten, forced  into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Every year, violence in the home and the community devastates the lives of millions of women. Gender-based violence kills  as many women between the ages of 15 and 44.

7. According to the article“ Human’s Rights “Women and Violence, Some females fall prey to violence before they are born, when expectant parents abort their unborn daughters, agreeable  for sons instead. In other societies, girls are subjected to such traditional practices as circumcision, a lot of females are forced to marry a young age before they are physical, mental or emotional mature.

8.  The United Nations Secretary -General’s Campaign find out  that in United State, one – third of women murdered each year are killed by her husband. Violence against women is not determined to a specific culture, region, or to particular groups of women within a society. the origin of violence against women came from the discrimination against women.  

9. According to The article “ Human Rights”  the government is agreed to adopt and implement national legislation to end violence against women and to work actively to endorse all international accord that relate to violence against women.They agreed that there should be protect, legal help and other services for girls and women at risk, and rehabilitation for perpetrators.

10. The Office On Women’s Health, U.S department of Health and Human  Service Points out another type of abuse “ Violence against immigrant and refugee women,”No one deserves to be hit or mistreated. even if you do not have legal papers giving you permission to be in the United States. An immigrant or refugee woman may face many of the same challenges as any other abused woman. In addition, she may face some unique challenges, such as being: Told that in the United States the law says she must have sex with her partner and told that her abuser is allowed to hit her or use other forms of physical punishment.

Works Cited

 Domestic Violence. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.   <>.

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

“Emotional Abuse.” Web. 26 Mar. 2014.


Gye, Hugo. “Jealous Husband Stabbed His Wife 15 Times, Ran Her over Then Sent Her a Christmas Card as She Lay Dying in Hospital.” Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 16 Dec. 2013. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <>.

Stop! Una Giornata Contro La Violenza Sulle Donne. Digital image.  N.p., n.d. Web

 Through Their Eyes.” YouTube. YouTube, 25 Jan. 2011. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <>.

UN News Center. UN. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <>.





20 Things You Didn’t Know About Kissing by Maria Aristy & Evanilde Semedo

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1- A kiss it self is the pressure of one’s lips against another’s person. However, the information on the wikipedia, explains that a kiss goes further to express affections towards others that words can’t. By the way, the kind of affection in a kiss bless the affection. Those sentiments can vary widely depending on the person and context. Love, respect, passion and friendship are usual but there are plenty more.

2- An open mouthed kiss in which the tongue enter’s the partner’s mouth is a consider French Kiss as Wikipedia explains. Hence, it’s also known as “Soul Kissing” because if it is done right, it feels like two souls are merging. Usually when erotic, romantic and sexual love are all mixed in one kiss makes it bond in a slow form that gives you goosebumps. Have you ever experience one?

3- According to a video from YouTube “10 Curious Facts About Kissing” published on September 15, 2013, it informs that a regular kiss involves only two facial muscles in the face, but French kiss involves all 34 muscles.

4- Neel Burton, the author of the article “The History of Kissing” argues whether kissing is a learned or natural behavior. A possibility that suggest kissing as a natural behavior is the fact that evolve from mom kiss feeding their babies by passing food from mouth-to mouth. Yet, a reason why there is a dispute is because people from many time ago insist that kissing is a practice behavior to feel affection from others.

5- A man’s kiss is his signature. According to the article “Now, a Kiss Isn’t Just a Kiss” by Jan Hoffman, it informs that after you kiss a person you will probably change your mind about the potential of your partner. It will determine whether you will stay with that person or drive you to forget about.

6- However, kissing behavior is not unique to humans. On February 23,2014, a recent article entitled “The History of Kissing” by Neel Burton claims that some animals tend to kiss each other and as an illustration, primates such as Bonobo apes kiss one another frequently.

7- According to the article “10 Surprising Facts About Kissing” by Kayla da Norma, during the 16th century Naples kissing was an offence that carried the death penalty because of an anti-abstinence law. She explains that there is a law people, back then, couldn’t kiss even though such law was not strictly aimed at kissing. It was enforced anyway.

8- According to the article “10 Surprising Facts About Kissing” by Kayla da Norma, it is illegal in Boston to kiss in front of a church. Do you get this? An old dumb law that is still on the books. According to them it should be the first place where affection should shine because God is all about love.

9- Based on the Article “10 Surprising Facts About Kissing” by Kayla da Norma, the longest kiss all over the world lasted 30 hours and 59 minutes by two Americans people, Rich Langley and Louisa Almodovar. They got a period of 10 minutes each 5 hours to drink water and go to the bathroom, but they couldn’t talk. It was a rule. Could you imagine yourself in such situation?

10- Why feeling deprived of not having the art of speaking? Anybody can be eloquent. Wikipedia explains that kissing the famous Blarney stone, in Ireland, endows the kisser with the gift of eloquence or skill at flattery.kiss 2.jpg

11- According to the Huffpost Healthy Living article, the Oxford university professor, Robin Dunbar, explains that women rated kissing as the most important thing on relationship than men, because women tends to choose the right partner by kissing. If a female finds you a bad kisser, there is no way for the relationship to continue.

12- According with the article 10 surprising things about kissing, by Kayda Norman, it was illegal, in Italy, during the 16th century to kiss. The most interesting thing of this fact is that, today kissing is still illegal in some parts of United States.

13- According to the article 10 surprising things about kissing, by Kayda Norman, when you usually kiss you burn 26 calories in one minute. Can you believe in this? Well, it still be considered as a factual information since the 16th century, so now enjoy your chocolates and then kissing your boyfriend/girlfriend will be a gym time!

14- Based on the article Now, kiss isn’t just a kiss, by Jan Hoffman, after a survey to 308 men and 594 women you usually find your asses potential mates ( spouse or wife) after kissing. It of was people around 18 to 63 years old that were questioned and the majority said that this fact finding their husbands and wives are after the first kiss. Did you find your lover, by his/her kiss?

15- Another video, by Tatia PIlieva, entitled First kiss, posted on youtube but filmed on the studio, also explains about how can the first kiss be so effective to find your future wives and husbands. In this video they were suppose to kiss strangers they just met, and after the results founded, was that some ended up together, and other wanted to continue. Are you thinking of giving it a try?

16- According to the video, 10 curious things about kissing, by Alltime10s, by kissing you increase the level of oxytocin and endorphins, the body calms down and feel good chemicals. Do you want to raise your chemicals, give it a try and kiss as you feel like doing it!

17-  Based on the video, 10 curious things about kissing, by Alltime10s, lips have 100x nerves ending of fingertips. Your mouth can have so much nerves during kissing, do you believe kiss is powerful?

18- According to the article, Hide and Seek, by Neel Burton,  anthropologists affirmed that some Greeks learned about erotic kissing from Indians. When this indian, Alexander the Great invaded India 326 Bc, that was the time when they learned. Isn’t that crazy that erotic Kisses have been going on for so long, and still popular today?

19- Based on the article, Hide and seek by Neel Burton, after the fall of Rome kisses seemed to disappear. What? Well, after the fall of Rome, the romantic kiss seems to have disappeared for over 1,000 years, to re-emerge at the end of the 11th century with courtly love. Since history of vampires involved kiss too, this could be risky for them the symbolization of kiss as love, so they wanted to ended.

20- According to the article Why do we kiss, by the Huffpost Healthy living, it is interesting the importance of kissing changed when looking at a short-term relationship versus a long-term relationship. Women were more likely than men to say kissing was more important in long-term relationships.

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“10 Curious Facts About Kissing.” YouTube. YouTube, 15 Sep. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“10 Surprising Facts About Kissing.” YourTango. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Blarney Stone.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Mar. 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Chan, Amanda L. “Why Do We Kiss?” The Huffington Post., 11 Oct. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

“Hide and Seek.” The History of Kissing. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

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