Tag Archives: Barbie

10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Body Image by Rosa Payano

1. Body image is the way you see your physical attractiveness working along with your self-esteem.  Self-esteem is how much you value yourself and how much you think your worthed, and they can both be affected by each other, Kids Health website explained that those issues are extremely important because feeling good about yourself define your mental health and your behavior. They also explained that a person begins to struggle from a low self-esteem and body image in puberty because is when the body start to have many physical changes. Also is the time when they fight for the acceptance of their friends. People with high self-esteem know themselves really well and they look for friends that accepted them for who they are and not what they want to be.

2. Barbie dolls are one of the problems of why young girls are having dysmorphic disorder, a chronic mental illness, that makes a person obsess with a part of the body that they don’t like. They put barbie as their role model. According to the article “The Negative Effects of Barbie on Young Girls an the Long Term Results “ by Stephanie Hoskins published in Divinecaroline website, In 2006 A psychology experiment was done in the U.K. in which a total of 162 girls, from ages 5 to 8, were exposed to images of Barbie dolls in which professors got to discover that those who were exposed to Barbie doll images had a lower self-esteem and a greater desire for a thinner body shape.

3. Is an average girl beautiful? The perfect barbie doll-body as we know it, is about to change. Elizabeth Plank, writer of  “A Very Different Type of Barbie Hits Shelves to Revolutionize How Girls Think About Their Body,” informs that Nickolay Lamm motivated with his idea of an average girl is gorgeous, have created a doll with the realistic proportion of a 19 year old average women, name Lammily. Lamn explained that in order to doll it, he look at CDC website and took the measurement of an average 19 years old american women and then the model was painted over and photoshopped to make it look like a doll. The doll promotes a healthy and realistic body, not like barbie’s who wants to create a fiction body.

4. “It is just as hard to be ken as it is to be barbie.” Why most of men does not talk about their body image? Does that makes them less macho? It is clear that Body image issues affect women, but it’s a myth that it does not affect men. In accordance with Daniel Armbruster, author of “Men and Boys Suffer from Body Image Issues,” In halloween, we see boy’s costumes as a fun costume to go out trick or treat, but under the surface what they all have in common is this perfect “man-body” with big muscle, an image that young boys see constantly and grow with. Experts believe that this exposure can lead boys to develop a big issue related to body image, just like girls. Some studies had estimated that a 43% of men are unsatisfied with some parts of their body.

5. It is shocking how more women at a younger age are and feel the urge of mutilating their body just trying to get the ideal barbie doll-body. Stephanie Hoskins also informs that in 2008 an estimated 750,000 cosmetic procedures, and 271,000 surgeries, were performed in people aged 20 to 29, And 81,900 surgical procedures were performed on children and young adults aged 13 to 19.

6. Aging women also have problems with their body image. In the article, “Body Image and the Aging Female,” published by the university of florida, Eboni J. Baugh, an assistant professor of University of Florida, informs how Most women of 65+ years are more possible to die of anorexia. Older women examined in today’s research report they still struggle with body dissatisfaction. In fact, women over the age of 65 report similar levels of body dissatisfaction as women under thirty.

7. According to survey called time spent in front of a mirror, Erin Gloria Ryan, author of Women Stress About How They Look More Than Anything Else, reported that women worry about their physique more than anything, more than money, health, relationship, etc. In the survey they found that a 75% of  women with children reported appearance anxiety- the urge that their appearance need to be improved somehow- versus a 65% of childless women.

8. It’s not a secret that bullying can happen to everybody, but Sherri Gordon, writer of the article:How Weight Teasing Affects Body Image, published in About.com Bullying, informs that obese or underweight kids are a higher risk of being bullied. When kids get bullied because of their weight with time they develop a negative body image and a lower self-esteem, which can bring many problem as eating disorders, depression, and even self-harming. Most people think  that a negative body image can be only cause by mean girls/ boys, but studies have shown that friends, families, teachers, coaches and even parents participate without noticing it. A person’s comment about the weight of someone can lower down a person’s self-esteem. Sometimes this comments might sound helpful but in reality it can make a person insecure and unsatisfied.  File:Hump nose2.jpg

9. Johanna DeBiase proud to have a big nose wrote the article 8 Reasons to Love your Big Nose, in which she explained how she used to hate her big nose, and all she could see on a mirror was her nose. When she was nine, she used to be tease a lot, and they use to called her names like “Pinocchio, honker, schnoz, horse, beak, snout, Gonzo, Ringo, or pelican.” It wasn’t until she got to college that she started to appreciate and loved her nose. The Students there did not only see her nose but her eyes, hair, intelligence, and most important her inner beauty. She realized that everything was on her head.

10. If you were one of the person who struggle with body image, wouldn’t you feel an hypocrite for telling others how beautiful they are and that they’re perfect as they are?  “A Feminist with Body Image Is: Not Mutually Exclusive Categories,” published in Abortion Gang website, which is own by a group of female activist who support abortion in which , tell and anonimo  story about a person who wasn’t conformable with her body. She says that she felt like an hypocrite for giving others advice and telling them how beautiful they are, meanwhile she hated herself. She has this fear of disappointing her parents, so she started a diet. When she reached high school, she desperate herself, and she started to puke in the toilet,  overdose on diet pills, and to eat food no more than 500 calories a day. Today she would’ve like to say that those days were and are gone but no, she said that there comes time when she just can’t eat a simple meal without having the urge to puke, she explained that she understand that she has a healthy and okay body, but healthy its not enough for her. She said that she just wants the day that when she looks on a mirror, all what she can say is how beautiful she look.

Works Cited

“A Feminist with Body Image Issues: Not Mutually Exclusive categories.” Abortion Gang. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. <http://abortionang.org/2011/10/05/a-feminist-with-body-image-issues-not-mutually-exclusive-categories/>.

“A Very Different Type of Barbie Hits Shelves to Revolutionize How Girls Think About Their Body.”PolicyMic. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <http://www.policymic.com/mobile/articles/84197/a-very-different-type-of-barbie-hits-shelves-to-revolutionize-how-girls-think-about-their-body>.

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