Tag Archives: teen dating violence

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Teen Dating Violence by Mariza Spinola

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Being in a relationship is a very important step, and teens never know when is the best age to start. Most of the time girls matured more faster than the boys. Girls start to worry about looking good and in how to impress their boy. But the study made by Amanda Lenhart show how teens being suffering abuse in relationship constantly, but almost never report it because they are scared.

  1. According to a article “The Data On Teen Dating”, from article Bps starting  relationship early can cause a teen to became less successful in school, its interrupting their ability to develop their skills. This study which took place in Canada reveals that this interest began in an age of puberty and gradually evolves into casual interest.

  1. According to the article “The Data On The Dating” from Bps Library article teens that suffer dating abuse are more likely to suffer a long time consequence such as becoming an alcoholic, disorders, thoughts of suicide, and violent behavior. The Canadian study also mention that this problem is happening more in our society, its aggravating.

  1. According to the article “The Dark Side Of Teen Dating” violence in a relationship is increasing everyday, those that abuse their partner its because they want to feel that they have power over their partner. On this article we will learn a story of a girl who suffered abuse in a relationship for several years and ended in a tragedy.

  1. “Abuse its not normal, it all depends on the victim to stop the abuse on the relationship. Its not okay to stay quiet and let people abuse you, your partner it’s not your owner. According to the article “Just a Normal Part of Growing Up?”, parents should help their kids that are been harassed, but taking in consideration that for the victims to get any type of help they have to tell their parents what is going on. The article also mention that violence is not part of growing up.

  1. Females between the age of 12 of 16 are three times more likely than the rest of the population to suffer abuse by their partner. The article “ Dating Violence” describes how most of the people that suffer abuse in a relationship get so scared that they stay on that unhealthy relationship until it gets to a point that the victim have no control over what is going on. They end up doing anything the partner (aggressor) ask them to do. Here the author explains how the the story of Lynn Ann and Garry end up in a big tragedy.

  1. Spending class time discussing about teens dating/violence is not a teacher’s job, its the parents job to educate their kids. It is necessary that at home parents sit down and talk with their kids about possible issue they might confront in a relationship. According to the article “School Teen Dating Violence Programs Are Unnecessary”, by Mac Donald, at school students should spend time learning grammar, not wasting time doing parents job.

  1. According to the article “Sexting Can Be a Serious Problem For Dating Teens” teens that parents have control over them, control their text, give their kids phones with limited text and calls, and the amount of the time spended in front of a computer. Amanda Lenhart also added to the article that the concerns about sexting is increasing every day, the percentage is going up.

  1. Breaking up with a partner is not easy, its hard and it takes time. Its hurts but that doesn’t mean you will die because of it, people should learn from it and do better on their next relationship. According to the article “The Do’s and Don’ts Of Breaking Up” by Anna, breaking up with your car insurance can be easier than with your partner, because for your car insurance you can just contract another professional, but with your partner you can’t do the same.

  1. Teens who suffered abused resist any type of treatment , seek help because they are afraid to expose themself. According to the article “The Data on Teen Dating”, by Ann Lukit, entering in a relationship to early can leave scars on teens  which will disturb them later on in a real relationship. There are many problems that it might cause.

  1. According to the article “7 Myths About Sexual Assault and Dating Violence” 77 percent of the teens that suffer a sexual abuse they go to a same school or live near each other. The article also revealed that nine of ten percent of the victims know their aggressor.