Tag Archives: VAWA

10 Things You Didn’t know About Violence Against Women In the Arab Region by Jennifer Hernandez


By Jennifer Hernandez

In the world many women are suffering of any way of violence. Can be emotional or physical and most of the villain in their story is the men. In the different parts of the world the value of the women is different and the violence too. Being a Women in the U.S is easier than In the Arab Starting with a comparison between laws in U.S to protect women’s integrity :

Taliban_beating_woman_in_public_RAWA (1).jpg1. The Violence Against Women Act was made in 1994  to recognize the women’s rights in the United States and the value that they have in the society. In this act we can see the diverses laws made for the protection of women that enforce the punishment of those who hurt a woman in any kind, involving criminal justice and creating positive changes. shows percentage of domestic violence’s drop, partner violence drop, partner homicide females drop and more victims are reporting abuse and many other that decrease the rate of percent.

2. According to Poll: Women’s Right in the Arab World by Thomson Reuters Foundation ‘s website  posted in Nov. 12, 2013 talks about the worst state for a woman to live is Egypt. Not having any kind of right, with discriminatory laws and women trafficking in the whole Arab region but more in egypt. where the religion and government is the main cause of violence to the women. Staying quit when a men speak, obeying like a slave been the wife, mother, grandma, aunt, friend, the life of the family, the women and the stronger gender for many reasons.

3. Being touch by an stranger in the bus in public has being so common in Egypt as seeing a person with an Iphone in the U.S. According to The Guardian’s “Sexual violence in Egypt: The Target is a Woman” post in July 8,2013, author Nabila Ramdani talk about an outbreak of sexual harassment, women taking the dressing up like a boy as an option to avoid the abuse, not even having no right to scream for help because instead of receiving help there would be a worst risk to be raped.

4. Is the violence that we see in Arab Regions cause more by the religion ? According to Misconception about islam by the iisna pamphlets, It says this religion give rights, values and spiritual help to women but as the time pass the injustice keeps growing. The women had lose all their integrity and the courage to raise their voice because is scary to get kill just as easy to fall down.

5. According to “Women’s Rights in the Arab World” by Tim Large women in Saudi Arabia need to have permit of their husband to go outside of their house, and there is a high level of adultery and rapes in that state causing the United Nation to focus in that problem in Arabia, meaning that if you need to pee you need to ask to your husband that you need to go to the bathroom.

Campaign_road_sign_against_female_genital_mutilation_(cropped).jpg6. The  feminism in the girls that went away for most of the women in Egypt and Cairo would never come back. Epidemiology of Females Castration in Cairo, Egypt by Mohamed Badawi talks about the mutilation of the females private part since they are children, Most of the people who practice this atrocity are Muslim also known as a pre-fertility ritual “torture” practice says Mohamed.

7. In a shocking video the reporter Lara Logan, a reporter from CBS news, Experience a heavy scary moment when she was covering a exclusive in Egypt. She suffer sexual assault by the muslim males that were in the protest. They attack her because she wasn’t Muslim. No right to defend herself, her body wasn’t hers.

8. Early marriage in the Arab region still present today and is a violation to the right of the women to decide what she wants . Washing kids getting married at the age of 12 and forward, In the video End Violence Against women Arab Region it represent the life of those little girls that are expose to an early marriage, taking their innocence way and start to be a women been a kind.Say_no_to_dowry.jpg

9. Egypt been the worse region for a women to live. It has a 90% percent of women being sexual harassment in public. In the video Egypt put yourself in her shoes instead of finding ways to blame, this video represent the life of many women in egypt where we can see that just by stepping to the street see men arounds it touching and calling unrespected names.

10. In the documentary Violence against Women in Pakistan talks talks about the discrimination of the women. How the Human Right determine that pakistan has a 70-90% of women suffering domestic violence. The domestic violence is so violent that for them is worst that than dying, some of them get burned by acid, most of the abused are unreported

Work Cited

UN News Center. UN. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. <http://www.un.org/rights/dpi1772e.htm>.

Factsheet: The Violence Against Women Act. The White House, n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.pdf.

“POLL: Women’s Rights in the Arab World.” POLL: Women’s Rights in the Arab World. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <http://www.trust.org/spotlight/poll-womens-rights-in-the-arab-world/?source=dpagerelspot>.

“Template.” Template. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/first/badawi.html>.

“IISNA IPamphlets.” Islamic Pamphlets IISNA IPamphlets Comments. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <http://islamicpamphlets.com/>.

 “Egypt PSA: Put Yourself in Her Shoes, Instead of Finding Ways to Blame Her.” YouTube. YouTube, 09 Dec. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jePvXFz4XDc>.

“Documentary Violence against Women in Pakistan.” YouTube. YouTube, 18 Aug. 2012. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYaydZZlvPI>.

“Dark Flowers: The Story of Self-immolation in Afghanistan.”YouTube. YouTube, 03 Oct. 2011. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x8_-GMvWwU>.

Violence Against Women by Daritza Suero

Daritza header_edited-2.jpg By: Daritza Suero

1. The Office On Women’s Health, U.S.Department of Health and  Human Services  points out that there are  differents types of abuse such as physical, verbal and emotional. Emotional abuse happens to  anyone, for example you get  seen  what you’re doing all the time also when partners  unfairly accuses you of being unfaithful all the time you get frustrated when you know is not true. Emotional abuse have many characteris a lot of men prevents or discourages the women from seeing friends or family all of this thing are Emotional abuse.

2. According to the video “Through their eyes” by Crisis Center of Northern New Mexico that educates and informs families about the short and long term effects of domestic violence on children and youth, Hispanic Communications explain that the Childrens who see violence and bullying in the house often imitate their  parents  to become violent or victim of violence when they grow up.

3. The speech by Hillary Clinton “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” Points out that the women have the same Rights as everybody. In 1995 Clinton spoke in front of  the nation about Women Rights. Her speech, which called for women “to come together” the way  they do “everyday in every county,“ made clear that women and men are equal.

4. According to the article “Jealous husband stabbed his wife 15 times, ran her over then sent her a Christmas card as she lay dying in hospital.” husband has jailed for 17 year after he killed his wife by stabbing her at least 15 times, he thought she was having an affair with a neighbor, because of jealous. Jealous connect to violence when they only see in the moment they transm in other person, jealous is a mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, as in love.

5. The webpage “Violence Against Women Information,” by Amnesty International point out that Violence against women is compounded by discrimination on the grounds of race, sexual identity, social status, class, and age. Such multiple way of discrimination women’s choices, increase their vulnerability to violence and make it harder for all the women to obtain justice.

6. In 2013 Amnesty International US finds that around the world at least one woman in every three has been beaten, forced  into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Every year, violence in the home and the community devastates the lives of millions of women. Gender-based violence kills  as many women between the ages of 15 and 44.

7. According to the article“ Human’s Rights “Women and Violence, Some females fall prey to violence before they are born, when expectant parents abort their unborn daughters, agreeable  for sons instead. In other societies, girls are subjected to such traditional practices as circumcision, a lot of females are forced to marry a young age before they are physical, mental or emotional mature.

8.  The United Nations Secretary -General’s Campaign find out  that in United State, one – third of women murdered each year are killed by her husband. Violence against women is not determined to a specific culture, region, or to particular groups of women within a society. the origin of violence against women came from the discrimination against women.  

9. According to The article “ Human Rights”  the government is agreed to adopt and implement national legislation to end violence against women and to work actively to endorse all international accord that relate to violence against women.They agreed that there should be protect, legal help and other services for girls and women at risk, and rehabilitation for perpetrators.

10. The Office On Women’s Health, U.S department of Health and Human  Service Points out another type of abuse “ Violence against immigrant and refugee women,”No one deserves to be hit or mistreated. even if you do not have legal papers giving you permission to be in the United States. An immigrant or refugee woman may face many of the same challenges as any other abused woman. In addition, she may face some unique challenges, such as being: Told that in the United States the law says she must have sex with her partner and told that her abuser is allowed to hit her or use other forms of physical punishment.

Works Cited

 Domestic Violence. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.   <http://www.auno.org.ar/media/uploads/genero.jpg>.

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <http://annati.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/stop-the-violence.jpg>.

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/Woman_crying_in_bathroom.jpg>.

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/20081123120727-violencia-de-genero.jpg>.

“Emotional Abuse.”Womenshealth.gov. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.


Gye, Hugo. “Jealous Husband Stabbed His Wife 15 Times, Ran Her over Then Sent Her a Christmas Card as She Lay Dying in Hospital.” Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 16 Dec. 2013. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2524723/Jealous-husband-stabbed-wife-15-times-ran-sent-Christmas-card-lay-dying-hospital.html>.

Stop! Una Giornata Contro La Violenza Sulle Donne. Digital image.http://annati.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/stop-the-violence.jpg.  N.p., n.d. Web

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UN News Center. UN. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. <http://www.un.org/rights/dpi1772e.htm>.